It can happen!!!

Julie • Mommy to 2 girls, #3 lost at 20w 4d on July 9th. TTC rainbow baby with the love of my life ❤️❤️
Ok ladies here is my story! I'm 30 years old, 31 in August. I have a 7 and 4 year old daughter. 4 years ago I went through 2 cycles trying to donate eggs to a friend. The first time I did NOT ovulate despite the injections. So they upped my doses and the 2nd round I only produced 1 single egg (supposed to be 12-15) the dr pulled me aside and said "if you want ANYMORE kids at all you should probably have sex now. This is probably your last chance" well me and the ex husband didn't want anymore at least not yet so we didn't. Fast forward, divorced now, lost 110 lbs and feeling the best of my life, me and my fiancé decided to go off the pill in December so I didn't have all that yuck in my body. No charting or anything just living life. 3 months later this happened!!  It can happen ladies...I had PCOS when I was overweight as well, my last daughter I had to do 2 rounds of clomid. Your body is a weird thing, don't give up hope!!!