PID and πŸ‘ͺπŸ’5 yr marriage πŸ’”

So two yrs ago I went to the ER with bad really bad cramps. the doctor stuck a big qtip in my vagina and just said with no lab work said I had PID with just looking no lab work and no ultra sound. keep in mind my husband is out side the door waiting. we have been together for 5 yrs and two past pregnancies. first pregnancy were twins and second pregnancy just a single baby. now after i found out i had PID i did online research and i am still confused. after that ER visit ive never seen a doctor and thats been two yrs ago. i dont have a regual doctor. while after that happened after that ER visit. i had a break down. i left my husband .this month would be our 8yr annivery. ive moved on and with new person and ive tried everythung to get pregnant . i need advice.******I HAVE NO DOCTOR DUE TO LOW INCOME