I feel like crying idk what to do😔😣

Samirah • 😘 Future Neonatologist or Pediatrician👩🏽‍🎓
So I trusted two of my ex boyfriends. The first one I was with for 6 months and been broken up for almost a year now and u know when ur in a relationship u want to do sexual things so I did with him and I'm finding out today that he totally betrayed me he was recording me while we was having sex. I had NO CLUE of it at all till today... Then with my second boyfriend me him broke up about 3 or 4 months ago and he goes to school with my first ex boyfriend now girlfriend (if that makes any sense to u) and I guess they been telling each stuff about me, and my ex claims how she comes up to him and tell her stuff but she just told me that people (meaning him cause he only knows the things she is saying) been coming up to her telling her about like how am I the topic of y'all conversation when I don't even know the girl... I sent my second ex boyfriend a video of me in the shower because I wanted to do something special for him big mistake now she ig has all the videos that my two ex's had and she keeps asking me should she post them on Facebook and I'm like why would do that and she says because I did some people she know bogus and I have NO IDEA what she's talking about, then she said that all 17 of her cousins and her knows where I live like she had to get it from one of them and she keeps saying she gone post them videos and she says I'm a thot like how am I a thot for trusting the ones I called boyfriend... I just don't know what to do... I don't even know her at all and she knows EVERY THING about me... She even said she paid a couple of boys to see if I'll let them have sex with me and she said one of them works with me... Now I'm like I can't trust NO ONE I seriously don't know what to do... If she post them videos and pictures I might literally kill myself & and she said I should get check out but I'm like I get checked every 2 months