Needing help with MIL about step daughter

I used to have a great relationship with my MIL. It has recently turned. Its not horrible just distant. We live with her at the moment. My step daughter is in kindergarten. Well my MIL doesnt say much infront of my SO about daughters mom but always infront of me and she does it infront of daughter as well. She speaks negatively about daughter's mom infront of her often now and she used to not do this but now she doesnt seem to care. I can agree with what my MIL is saying because it is true but i find it inappropriate to be doing this when daughter is sitting right next to us and she knows that grandma is talking about her mom. I have tried to stop it asking if the conversation could be held at a different time when daughter isnt around and stuff but she continues. My SO has even asked her to stop and she doesnt. We have pretty much been keeping daughter away from her when she is with us because of this but it still happens. We would love to move out but dont have the money at all and no where else to go and we really dont want to keep daughter away from her grandma but this is becoming a problem. My SO and i dont believe in talking bad about her mom infront of daughter. If we have something to say we do it in private but his mom doesnt seem to understand that concept. How do we stop this?