"Birth Control" Advice

So. I am curious about various methods of BC. Originally, I was put on the pill to control my cycle early on when I first got it, later to find out I have a bleeding disorder Von Willabrand's. That seems to be better under control now and I don't have it bad. I've been on the same type of pill (same hormones and doses just different brands) for roughly 7+ years now. At the time I didn't need BC to prevent pregnancy, but now I use it for that purpose but I am not the greatest at taking it at the same time everyday. Does anyone know of an alternative, effective method that might possible control my disorder as well? Honestly, idk if the disorder still affects me like it did in the beginning. (I got my cycle for 14 days straight ?) I was thinking about the thing hat goes in your upper arm. 
Any tips are appreciated. Thanks so much! ?