I was having contractions for 2 days but didnt know they were contractions, as Im a first time mommy
I was having contractions for 2 days but didnt know they were contractions, as Im a first time mommy. I was 39weeks and asked to have an elective induction because of how much pain and swelling i had experienced. The day I was going to get induced I was suppose to call qnd see if they had beds open but I just went in and thought they'd have to take me anyway. I was being monitored and found out the pains I was having were contractions! But I was still dilated at 3cm (doctor checked 2 days before) and they had told me that because my contractions werent close enough together, even though they were 3 to 4 minutes apart, that they were sending me home. They said I was 4th in line to get induced because there were people needing to get medically induced ahead and I wasnt "that" serious. I was sad because I really wanted to meet my babygirl already:/
So i went home and took a nap with my husband, when I woke up my pants were soaked but I thought i maybe peed or something because it didnt seem like it was wet enough for my water to break. So i stayed home dealing with the contractions for about 2 hrs because I didnt want to just get sent home again. But I gave in and went to the hospital, they checked me and I was 4cm and my water had broken! I was in so much pain and told them I wanted an epidural at 6cm, so 15 minutes after seeing I was 4cm the anesthesia guy came and was about to give me an epidural but they wanted to check me again and I was already 8cm dilated! The doctor ended up making me push with no epidural! I can honestly say the worse pain was the contractions, and pushing my babygirl out was so exhausting. But I did it all natural and it was all worth it! So all in all I was in real labor for maybe 4 hrs and everyone was surprised how fast my babygirl was trying to come out❤ she was born March 16, 2016 at 7lb 7oz 7:57pm. Lucky 7s 😘😄
Her due date was March19!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.