Pointless birth plan....

Emalee • I am due with my second baby March 31, 2016! My hubby, 2 year old daughter, and I could not be more excited!
I have a birthing pool in my bedroom that I will never get to use... I was so excited to deliver my little man at home with my team of midwives, but he had other plans. With no signs of labor, no contracions, no back pains, nothing, my water burst open last Monday evening at 9pm. My midwife informed me that I had 24 hours to get him out before I was at risk of serious infection. I was not dilated, not effaced, and baby was at a -4 (super high). She let me induce my own labor at home all night. I walked, I bounced, I pumped, and I took milk of magnesia to get things rolling. Finally started having regular contracions at 5am, but baby would not move down. At 9am, I was advised to go into the hospital for pitocin to get things moving faster. I was 3cm and 40% effaced when I arrived, and baby was at -3. Started pitocin at 11am, and only made it to 4cm and baby never dropped any more. At 5pm, my doctor and midwife informed me that a repeat cesarean would be necessary because little man's heart was not handling the contractions anymore, and I was not progressing fast enough to get him out. I cried, and I fought, but I knew they were right. In the OR, the doctor kept saying it's dry, there is no fluid. Baby would have never moved down because there was no fluid for him to move in. I am sad that I will never experience the delivery I dreamed about for 9 months, but I'm thankful for modern medicine because I doubt either of us would have survived 100 years ago. Everett Bear is here, and he's perfect! 7lb 7.6oz. 20.5in at 37w 5d on March 15, 2016 5:52pm. All I'm asking is for people to stop shaming c section moms. You have no idea what some of us have been through to try to prevent them.