Subchorionic hemorrhage

This weekend I was standing in my kitchen and it felt like my water broke. (I'm now 14 weeks pregnant with our 4th child; first girl!) I looked down and saw that I was standing in a puddle of blood. I panicked and called my doc who told me to go to the ER. I was gushing fluid and bright red blood and it took them hours to get a scan..(and me still losing an unreal amount of blood) but once they did I saw that baby girl still had a heart beat and was moving in an amniotic sac that still had fluid. I can't express the relief I felt at that moment. Apparently I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and was put on strict bed rest for the weekend. It was also the first time I felt her move. I guess there was too much fluid in my uterus. It's been 2 days and I'm still bleeding. They told me that I would continue to pass the blood and fluid for about a week. Had any else experienced this?