I Need advice !!!!!!!!!

Me and my man have been together for four years ! We love each other and we get along so well and our sex is mind blowing . but there's one problem WiTH ME ! When it comes to being freaky and stuff I'm a whole different person lol . . Don't get me wrong I know how to dance ; grind move my hips and do sexy dances shake my ass and twerk , but I only do that when I'm in my room by myself ONLY!! (I even record myself doing all of these things). I don't even dance at parties ! Never been clubbing nothing🙅 !!!!! I always watch myself dance Infront of my mirror I also have a stripper pole in my room and sexy lingerie and heels I use it to dance on it and do sexy things in it but I don't know how to do pole tricks yet lol . I want to to all these things to my man but I'm so shy and I fucking hate it!!!! The only time I get to bounce my ass on him is when I Fuck him or he fucks me doggy and I bounce my ass and he loves it lol cause he tells me . But anyways I was wondering if u girls can give me any tips or advice when it comes to this situation on how to over come my shyness ? Please haha