Ttc depression

So we were at a party last night, blowing off steam after a frustrating week of fertility tests. I notice a friend getting a huge out pour of people screaming " OMG, congrats! !!!! How far along are you? ??" She has had sex 2 times and has gotten pregnant each time. I was as sly as a fox and I slipped off to the bathroom and cried for half an hour. I put myself back together and I don't think anyone noticed, but I haven't been able to stop crying all day. My stomach aches, I have headaches, I am so depressed nothing sounds fun, I actually just want to lay low other than work for a while. .. I know I am getting badly depressed, which helps ttc about as much as using a condom, but I can't help it. ....... how do you ladies bow off steam after a year ttc??????