Antepartum Depression

I'm posting in hopes that someone can give some insight on their experience, if anyone has been in a similar situation. 
I feel as though I've been battling depression off and on during my pregnancy, and the past month seems to be getting much worse. I sleep terribly, but I'm always tired, I've lost interest in most of my hobbies, and it's all I can do to get through a day at work. I just don't feel myself, or happy at all. I'm now 24 weeks along.
My SO is currently in some hefty training at his job (we are both AD military) and I feel like I have lost him as a support system due to his training. I've tried to communicate with him on multiple occasions about how I'm feeling, and he just doesn't seem to have to the time really help me through it. Part of me understands, because I know how much focus his training requires, but I don't want to put myself or the baby at risk by internally battling with my emotions. 
So, I'm attempting to seek help tomorrow through my OB. Has anyone sought treatment for depression while pregnant? If anyone could provide insight, I would be extremely grateful. I just don't feel comfortable talking to friends or family about my current situation. 
Thank you all. :) 
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I'm also AD and so is my husband. We're both doing training currently however I'm in Monterey CA and he's TDY'd in Keesler in Mississippi. I'm around 33 weeks pregnant and I've felt the same way. I went to talk to mental health not too long ago because I feel like shit all the time and am so lonely and emotional. I got told its normal and I'm not depressed just forced to deal with emotions I don't normally deal with. But I've only been this way since my husband was sent to miss. It sucks so bad and everything you said is how I feel as well. It's hard to do it alone and the training I'm going through makes a majority of the people that go here crazy stressed out ALL the time. But I understand how you feel I promise 


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I had it during my second pregnancy. I was put on Zoloft (anti deppresant) and it helped a little bit. The best thing you can do it is be really honest with your OB. Good luck