Excited for my ob appointment!

I never thought I would say this but I am so excited for tomorrow to get here already. 38 week appointment in the morning.... going to get my membranes stripped and get this show on the road hopefully have a baby before I have to be induced! My first was an induction and I would like to never do that again, my second baby I delivered a little over 24 hours after having my membranes stripped so, hopefully it will be the same. This pregnancy has been really hard on my body and my family. Lots of months with preterm labor and having to stop my labor early on and now that I'm term she wants nothing to do with labor lol been measuring 6 weeks ahead this entire pregnancy and now I have to sit and crawl on the floor to pick something up its awful lol I'm just so ready to finally be at the end and have a beautiful little girl to show off to the world :) I'm going to have a hard time sleeping I'm so excited lol