Am i pregnant????

I'm 15 and I don't know if I'm pregnant. I was fooling around with my boyfriend and I gave him a hand job. He didn't cum, but there was some precum. Afterwards, he and I both washed our hands and he fingered me. I don't know if he touched his penis afterwards. However, he sorta wiped his hands on his jeans. Note, this was after he washed his hands, so they were clean. But then again, I don't know if he touched his penis afterwards. If he did he would have still wiped it on his jeans A couple days before, I was getting PMS signaling I was going to start my period and now after we did stuff, its gone. My breasts are not sore anymore, and discharge is gone. No pre-period cramps. Its been 4 days since and I'm extremely stressed out! If I'm pregnant I don't know. I'm terrified. My parents would hate me. I can't get a pregnancy test. I don't know if there's a chance of me getting pregnant. This has been eating away at me and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm scared. We're both straight A students and I don't want a baby to bring us back from our studies. Could I be pregnant, or am I just overly stressed? I am supposed to get my period in a bout 2-3 days. We have decided to not be sexually active until we are responsible. Please help 😥