I want to share this with you ladies!

God has led this woman, and I to come together, and for her to be a big help in my journey. I want to share with you my reading, and the information to be able to get your own reading also! She charges $15 for a reading, and you pay by PayPal!!! 
My reading: Olivia's Fertility Reading 
Where you are at now in terms of fertility:
Partner - King of Wands, very fertile! 
You - 10 of Pentacles, very fertile as well. It seems you will have a big family. 
What could improve your reproductive health(if anything needs improving):
Princess of Pentacles 
I don't think anything necessarily needs to be improved, I think it's more if an issue of perfect divine timing. I think you will get pregnant around the time you start going back to school. 
When you are most likely to become pregnant:
7 of Swords 
Around 7 weeks from now. 
Will you have a boy, girl, or twins:
Knight of Wands 
Will it be a viable and healthy pregnancy?:
The Fool
Yes, I see a soul ready to make its journey back to Earth and so I feel this will be a viable one. Congrats!! 
What you need to know before becoming pregnant, the focus:
4 of Cups 
I think this card is really telling you not to give up. The man in this card seems to be mourning, disappointed, and upset that things haven't turned out the way he would like. But good news there is a hand offering him a cup (love), but it's like he doesn't see it cause he's so busy feeling disappointed. Enjoy the life you are living in the moment, and try to have patience. You will look back one day and miss this moment you are in, even if you can't see it now. 😊