Racial Fetish?

Im of Mexican descent but I'm VERY American. I was born here , my first language is now English, i dont really have an accent or feel like im very submerged in Mexican culture. 
My boyfriend is an amazing person and such a passionate caring lover , i feel safe and open and protected and accepted emotionally and physically. He's never pushed anything on me or pressured me for anything.
.. That being said, I asked HIM if he secretly wished i did that 'latina pornstar' thing where i speak or moan in an accent. And he reluctantly admitted that he kinda wished i did, but that it didnt matter , because that isnt what our relationship is about, and there was no reason to worry about it. 
I want to make him happy and for him to know that i do want to hear what he likes and please him, just as hes pleased me without question. 
What do you think i should do? Am i comprimising my pride or overthinking it?