Water broke at 8:15am March 20th

Arichica • 23 years young! Mother to my favorite 2 y/o boy Logan && married to my best friend!💚Expecting baby sister Joelle 3/28💟
Water broke at 8:15am March 20th!! Got to the hospital at about 10:30ish, was dilated to a 3. Moved to our room && contractions continued to become more frequent! Got to a 6 & it was time for the epidural!! Afterward we felt great! 5pm it was time to push!!! Born at 5:15pm, weighing 6lbs 10oz & 21 inches long!!! Mamma && baby girl are doing great! && big brother Logan loves his Joelle soo much already!! Daddy has been such an awesome teammate throughout the entire day, wouldn't wanna do life with anybody else💙💟💚 our family is complete!!