Go bag for mama

I didn't use most of the stuff I packed the first time, but some must haves are :
Charger for your phone 
Hair ties
Glasses or contacts and solution 
Pair of thick socks or comfy Slippers 
Flip flops (cheap ones)
Toothbrush and toothpaste 
Travel sized shampoo and body wash (my hospital had the crappy ones last time)
Maternity bra? (? Because I didn't bother with one because I have next to 0 sense of modesty lol but I can see how someone else might want one)
Pajamas and comfy sleep shirts are on almost every list I've seen, but personally I just don't think they're necessary. Yes, the hospital gowns are hideous but they're also really convenient for things like IV's, checkups (which you'll be getting like 1000x a day and what feels like double that amount when you're trying to sleep), and showering. 
Underwear is something else I think is unnecessary. Ditto for the "pack your favorite pillow" suggestions I see everywhere. The hospital provides granny panties and lots of pads with built in ice packs. In fact, be sure to ask your nurses for extra to take home when you leave - you can thank me later.
A sheet of scrap booking paper for your baby book if you're making one. Or a plain tee or blanket or anything else you feel like using as a keepsake. When they take baby's prints, ask nicely and the nurses will happily put his feet and handprints on the paper for you.
Light makeup (or your whole stash, whatever floats your boat). Yes, you'll be exhausted and running on about an hour of sleep, but eventually (most likely after your shower - where the flip flops will come in handy for those of us who have athletes feet phobias) you'll feel human enough to want pictures. While you'll obviously look beautiful no matter what, some eyeliner and Chapstick (or foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, the works) will give you that extra edge that you might appreciate when you look back on those pictures in the future. Then again, you might prefer your natural beauty and, there are tons of retouching apps out there so, shrugs.
The lists also say bring lots of coins for the vending machine. My hubby stayed with me 24/7 and ate only when I ate in support but I can see how this might be something you'll wanna have handy. Or you could just bring SNACKS!!! The hospital feeds you, yes, and some hospitals even have amazing food (mine had real chefs from local restaurants) but you might end up delivering after the food court closes. Or, hell, you might be so famished that the 20 minute wait for the food might just do you in. Hence the emphasis on packing SNACKS!!!
That is all. I hope someone finds this useful.
Edited to add : sorry about the formatting. I don't know how to make paragraphs. Also, don't forget a going home outfit. You'll most likely still appear pregnant (unless you're one of THOSE mamas who miraculously lose all their baby weight within 48 hours ) so bring something that you could've fit from 5-7 months pregnant.