Porn IS cheating.

I know I know....just another porn post. But it's been really disheartening lately to read all of the recent posts on the subject and hear all of these women say that "it's nothing serious" and that women need to "lighten up" and let their men have freedom to be the "sexual beings that they are." When my husband and I got married we made a serious commitment to each other of loyalty and fidelity. We promised to be sexually faithful to the other and that we would always honor our commitments. You don't have to physically go out and have sex with someone else to cheat, but cheating also entails looking at or lusting after something or someone other than your spouse, even if it's just on a screen. When either person in the relationship is getting sexually aroused by anybody or anything else, virtually or personally, that is going back on the commitment to be faithful to your SO and them only. So please don't say that "it's only porn." I feel that it is a very serious thing that diminishes the value of love and can lead to low self-esteem and expectations that can not be met. I feel it can cause more bad in the relationship than good. Just my opinion.