Supply Increase Help?!

Chelsey • I`m 26. Husband is 28. TTC baby #1 for 2 1/2 years! BFP-6/26/2015!! Babys birth-2/19/2016 TTC #2 in process! 😊
Started drinking mothers milk tea & taking fenugreek... I used to be able to pump 2 oz one time a day when my son was only eating 1-1 1/2 oz but all of a sudden when he started drinking more my supply just went down & I couldn't find anything to boost it. He was born early so he wasn't wanting to latch very well so we were supplementing with formula but now that he is a month old I want to start trying to have him latch & breastfeed with minimal pumping. Any other suggestions to help increase my supply?! Gonna try lactation cookies as well so any recipes you have would be nice as well.