My daughter comes first now, and always!!!

Do I have the right to be extremely upset to the point where I cry myself to sleep every night because the father of my unborn daughter refuses to put OUR DAUGHTER first?!! We've planned this pregnancy for several years and now that God has blessed us with our miracle, he hasn't really been around because hes busy helping his mother  monetary wise and "recover" from a recent passing. Although this has been going on for years as to taking advantage of him and guilting him when all he's done is help her always. She's using this passing as her excuse to fully take complete advantage of him. It sounds mean but when they ask her how she's doing your answer shouldn't be "Ihave to work even more now and he was the one who was gonna take care of me and finally let me be a stay at home mom" instead it should be " I lost a best friend, my boyfriend" or something along those lines". I have 2 months or so to go and I've struggled since the beginning bcs our baby is truly a miracle baby, being told all the chemo caused me to be infertile and then once conceiving she tried being born at 3 months and I feel absolutely alone and abandoned by my best friend/ boyfriend/ hubby. Am I being unreasonable, or would you guys feel the same way too?