Stuck.. (LONG story)

Me & my "fiancè" have started arguing 24/7.. Every thing is an argument. Its not new, we have ARGUED for months and months.. But now its getting worse, emotionally & physically worse. Scary.. I don't think he understands the way he acts and the things he says, has an affect on me. Now being pregnant, i dont want to cause any stress on the baby etc.. He has NEVER physically hurt me, but emotionally.. He fucking kills me. He literally kicks me to the curb every single time we have a slight disagreement. He calls me the most disgusting things, looks at me horridly.. And mentions things over & over again, things we have already discussed, that had no place in being in this new argument. I think he has only stuck around this long because we recently found out we were having a baby together. When i talk to him about things after the argument, his all appologetic, says he wont do it again etc.. & then does it again straight away..
Baby or no baby.. He shouldnt treat me like this, ESPECIALLY now.. We are due between 8th-16th november & getting married this year.. Why is my relationship like this? Is this what my life is going to be like forever?