Feeling not good enough.

Jenn • Due with #2!! 12-2-18
I have a 5 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I've been with my BF for 4.5 years now and he's always treated her like his own. He has no biological children but we are TTC. I feel like we have such different parenting styles. I'm what he calls a "pushover". He's strict. I'm all for time outs and yelling he's all for spankings and taking everything and anything away. Tonight DD got in trouble and was sent to bed, then he allowed her out of the room to watch a movie but she continued in her bratty ways and was sent back to bed. While in there she became increasingly upset and he was only making it worse by continuing to argue with her about why she was crying. So I went in to attempt to calm her down. She asked if she could take a bath to calm down so I said yeah, because a warm bath calms me down. Well apparently that was wrong because he proceeded to ask if I was kidding him, she was in trouble and blah blah blah. Then I went back to the livingroom to finish watching the movie and he didn't want me near him, said good sit on the couch and don't say anything to me. Ok. Cool. Nothing I do is good enough. So I just feel more and more lately like everything he does is right and everything I do is wrong. And why would he want a baby with me when he obviously thinks I'm so horrible as a mom. I'm hurt, I'm angry and I feel just all around not good enough. Like ok I get it, I am soft when it comes to her crying and being upset, but that's no excuse to make me feel like I'm being punished for standing by what I think is right. And that's that even at 5 years old she is still a person she will still have bad days and she still has emotions that's she has the right to express and deal with. Idk, I'm probably over reacting. I have been super sensitive lately but I just can't stand it anymore :'(