Completely alone in this!!

My two boys are from my ex husband who was often out of town for work but my mom lived right around the corner from me so I always had her to turn to and be my support system. Well a divorce and remarriage later and I am 18 weeks 3 days pregnant and my current husband seems like he could care less. He never asks about the baby or if I can feel her moving, he won't discuss names, he doesn't understand my need to nest and make a place fo her to be when she comes. He only ever cares about the money I spend on baby things. He has no other children and do he has no idea what is involved but he acts like I am just this money hungry crazy person. I just miss my mom so much and the support she gave me. I hate to say it but I'd consider leaving if I had anywhere to go with my boys. I hate my marriage right now. He only ever wants to fight with me and we never touch at all. I'm just so lost.