Feeling some type of way...

Here is my story. My Husband and I have been married for 4 years and been trying for 3. I was referred by a friend to a reproductive speacialist.  She put me on Clomid on CD 4-8. Triggered on CD 12, then <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on CD 14. I started testing on CD 23 and finally got a BFP ON CD 26. 1st pregnancy for both. We are beyond happy.  We told my SiL and it felt to me like she has an opinion about everything. We kept her informed of everything since we thought she would be super excited for our jorney. But everything for her is- things are this way and you should feel this and that. But not till then. And i'm just like OK you Know it all.  Yesterday she facetimed us, and gave us the news that she is too,  expecting now baby #2. I am 5weeks and she is 4weeks.. I should feel happy for her but instead I feel like she stoled my Thunder!  This was my time to shine!  
Is this normal?  Should I feel so mad at her I dont feel like ever talking to her?  She is my sister in Law... 
What are your thoughts?