Help please.. Transition from co sleeping at three months...

Claire • Proud mummy to baby Girl ❤️
Hi everyone hope your babies are happy and healthy.. Mine is! But I feel like we need to make a change now to avoid upset for her in future. I tried for eight weeks to get her to sleep in her basket but she only slept in it for an hour max. More often thirty mins ( that was at eight weeks over night and in the day still at 3 months. ) not sure why but one of reasons I think is coz she doesn't like sleeping in her back.. For the last seven weeks or so been letting her sleep beside me on the couch .. I felt safer doing this that on the bed with my husband who tosses and turns and sleeps deeply .. So we have been camped out in the front room ever since. Which works brilliantly as I breastfeed her through out the night and neither of us hardly wake up. Before it was a non stop cycle of feed wind settle settle again wake up for feed... 
I've decided to try again to get her to sleep in basket in our room overnight. We haven't tried this since maybe four weeks old but it was horrendous .. I didn't get more than half an hit sleep. I've tried to minutes when she feeds it seems to be a lot in evening settle about eleven ...wake about two and five and seven ... For breast feeding. 
Please has anyone had a similar experience and down this successfully. Feeling dubious but need to give it a try my husband doesn't like being away from us all night. We don't have any time for "romance" and sleeping on the couch isn't normal or good long term. I go back to work in three months. 
Please help if u can. Thanks x