Pregnancy? Miscarriage? Or wacky period?

I downloaded this app because at this point i need to track more carefully, because i believe my Aunt Flow is now bringing a guest along with her and its getting a bit intense.

so my menstrual cycle usually last anywhere between 5-7 days and usually begins the 21st/22nd.

As of February my cycle changed to only 3 days. Starting 17th ending the 19th, but ever since then, i have not been myself.

Just been having a bunch of pregnancy symptoms both before and after my period ended. i know these symptoms can be mistaken for one or the other, but it has led to these same symptoms as of today.

This month around the 10th. I experienced literally a day of 2 to 3 spots when i wiped. I took a pregnancy test on the 12th after experiencing jumping up out of my sleep with feelings of wanting to puke the night before. Well the results came back with a faint line barely noticeable. Decided to wait a few days and tried it again on the 16th in the morning. Another positive a bit brighter this time but still faint.

then the following day the 17th here comes aunt flow but with a vengeful sharp pain in my pelvic I've never experienced before in my life. I threw up everywhere and it was so bad my bf laid in the bathtub holding me while i just cried from the pain...i was weak, had hotflashes, etc. After a shower and a 1 hr nap i was all better as if nothing happened. So i didnt bother going to the hospital, my period was here figured maybe i read the tests wrong, maybe it was food poisoning idk.

Period ended on the 20th. It wasnt heavy like it usually was in the beginning but it wasnt light either. Just i guess you can say moderate but more of a pink than a red. Now today 5 days later i am still experiencing these pregnancy symptoms. My boobs are a bit bigger, not so much tender mostly my nipples, slightly darker nipples but my areaola hasn't really increased in size. Anywho, i plan on taking another test, but im scared to see the results regardless what it is...but it must be done.

Im just sharing my experince to see if anyone else has experienced this or anything remotely similar. If so, what is your results? I know its possible to have your period while pregnant but i just want to make sure before having to go to the doctor for no reason, you know.

And if you made it to the end, Thanks for taking the time to read my story :)