Your input would be nice😔😒

Vernissia • 22 years old, Married to my best friend. I love him so much. I have a 6 year old son, trying to conceive baby #2 with my hubby

Im 4 days late took 3 pregnancy test each day and they are ALL negative. Im so confused on whet to do. Hastbis happened tel anyone. I dont feel pregnant I have light creamy discharge on cycle day 30 to 33. I had extreme cramping and that's about it. We used pre seed this cycle for this first time. If Im not pregnant I would like my period to come to that we can try again.

I honstely just feel crushed.

How many days should I give for af to show before I give the doctor a call?

Since I took 3 pregnancy and I know Im not pregnant what can I do to induce my period.

I truly need suggestions