Emotional abuse

My partner and I are separated at the moment and I don't know if I should try to make it work or run in the other direction. His personality changed about two years into our relationship when his work load increased and he started taking adderal to compensate for it. He became a completely different person when he started taking the stimulants. He controls all aspects of our relationship now. If we argue, he says what he wants to and then blocks my number and decides when we can have contact. Last weekend we got in an argument because he went out with friends and a girl a used to sleep with was there. He ended up getting blacked out drunk and texting me in front of his friends the entire time saying I was embarrassing myself for fighting with him and taking him away from the party. He said I ruined his night and that he was going to walk home from the bars, which is insane because it would be a 6 mile walk through some of the worst neighborhoods. He blocked my number and sent me an email saying "if I die tonight, it would be your fault." I drove around worried about him and when he finally showed up at his house I tried calming him down but he wouldn't stop yelling. We were right inside his house and I recorded him with my phone and said if he didn't stop being this way I was going to play it for his family. He smacked my phone out of my hand and shoved me out the door and locked it. He told me that he didn't have to pay for my phone if it was broken because I was on his property so he could do whatever he wanted. I finally got the phone back from him and it wasn't broken luckily. He called me a slut because a family friend had sent me a text message when he was holding my phone hostage. The friend is a guy but I never even talk to him and he doesn't even live in the same state. It's so unfair, he can hang out with girls he's slept with but I can't even have a random person text my phone. He controls everything and I feel like it's destroying me. My therapist says he's a narcissist and that he gaslights me. Everything he does is justified in his mind. He's always telling me that whatever he did was my fault. The craziest part is that he will do something really bad and somehow manipulate me into believing that I was the one that made the mistake. After last weekend I apologized for the crazy night and thought it was my fault. He didn't used to be this way. He used to take care of me and my family so well. He was there for me when my father passed away suddenly. He has always been my best friend. I'm wondering if someone like this can change. Has anyone had experience with a narcissistic partner? And how did things end?