"Overcoming" - Private Group
Some are TTC, some have overcome. We support each other w/positivity, respect, honesty & prayer.
Creator: Shannon
Members: 179
February Updates
I can't believe it's already February! Keep us updated!
Last reply Feb 24, 2016
January updates!
Ok ladies, this is our year!! What are your January updates? How did you all make it through the holidays? Any update on Meaghan, we haven't heard from her in a while. I hope everything is finay going well for her.
Last reply Mar 17, 2016
December updates
New month brings new updates ☺️
Last reply Jan 1, 2016
Trying again?
Had miscarriage on 11-07-15 at 4 weeks 6 days. I think I've been ovulating, as I've been having that fertile CM... we've been having sex as we feel like it, not necessarily TTC but just trying to love each other through this grieving process. We'd both love to be pregnant again... I don't know how I feel! Anyone else in the same boat?
Last reply Dec 11, 2015
Actually looking forward to my period!
Anyone else actually looking forward to getting their period? Haven't had it since my MC and I am hoping it comes back soon. It would feel like a fresh start to me.
Last reply Feb 16, 2016
My little hope is gone!! 😢😢😢😢
Just to inform those who are following me that I'm no longer pregnant. 😭😭😭I found out on Saturday around noon that my Beta was negative. The md mentioned that it was probably due to the heavy bleeding that I experienced after the transfer.💔💔 As of recently in my part of Canada there has been a bill passed that IVF will cost something like 10k which I seriously don't have. I think that if the Lord decides that we should be pregnant He will have to do it the old fashioned way. Lol!!!I will speak with my husband to find out if he agrees that we put ourselves on an adoption list. At this point I don't think I have it in me anymore to do the fertility thing!! I'm really sorry to let you all down but I think it would be worst of me to be fake. I'm hurting. I'm angry. I don't know where I went wrong. I feel like I don't even care to be pregnant at this point I just want vindication. Some form of feeling like I haven't totally lost. I think I just need some time to process this...I'm so sorry. I will certainly still be praying for all of you. I truly wish you all the best and that your pregnancies would come to fruiting and you will some day SOON be holding your reward!! Jesus bless 💕
Last reply Nov 22, 2015
New here
Hi ladies, I'm new to this group. Seemed to be the group I was looking for. Healing from a MC a few weeks ago. Just waiting for my period to come back so we can start trying again. Hoping to help encourage/be encouraged by you ladies!
Last reply Apr 20, 2016
Standing on His promises #1 - Isaiah 61:7
For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.http://bible.com/1/isa.61.7.kjv This is a great scripture to pray out loud and make your own by changing the "ye" or "they" to "I" or "we" or the person's name for whom you are praying. Remember there is power in the infallible Word of God. When we pray it ,we proclaim it. When we proclaim it, we believe it all the more. The Bible says that our victories and our defeats lie in the power of the words we speak - Proverbs 18:21 (I'm paraphrasing for the sake of relativity to this app..lol). Let's simply speak what the Lord has already spoken and promised to each of us!My way of praying this scripture for example : 1. "For your shame ye shall have double"- For all my infertility issues I'll have double; maybe even twins. :))2. "and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion"- For all the moments of confusion wondering why I'm not pregnant or why we haven't been able to conceive I will assuredly rejoice in the portion/blessing that the Lord has for me. 3. "therefore in their land they shall possess the double"- In my land/home/body I'll have double (...joy, peace, prosperity, love, etc.). 4. "everlasting joy shall be unto them"- My joy will be everlasting. Thus means no miscarriage or still births. No temporary joys of any kind!
Last reply Apr 24, 2016
Bleeding like crazy and cramps +++
Before anyone asks yes I've been to the md...I was spotting so I went to see the md and started full-on bleeding right in her office. I was checked and was told not be worried. It is still too early to determine if I'm pregnant bc my hormone levels wouldn't be apparent nor the embryo that was implanted a few days before. I was told just to relax, bed rest, no baths.......etc.I'm freaking out! I should be 3w4d; I had my frozen embryo transfer last Tuesday which went perfectly - perfect lining, perfect embryo (although we only had one). So why the heck am I bleeding, clotting and cramping?I want this to be my Rainbow baby!!I'll have my Beta this Saturday. Call me optimistic but I'm still hoping and praying that all is well.
Last reply Nov 19, 2015
November Updates
These months seem to being going by so fast! Keep us updated as you think of it. I know, for me, I have had hard time keeping everyone updated but I still pray for each of you and your journeys. 💜
Last reply Nov 24, 2015
It's been 2 months since we lost our baby and I'm still not over it. Idk how to get over it or how to move on. We want to try for another one but i feel like its to soon and when i think about trying for a baby i just cant bc im not over my last one. So now me and my husband are having our ups and downs about every lil thing and i just don't know what to do.. I'm so lost and hurt and idk. I want a baby I just don't know when we should try for one or when should be a good time to try.. I could use some advice..
Last reply Nov 2, 2015
Missing my sweet baby everyday
It's been almost 6 months since I lost our baby at 5 weeks and it hasn't gotten any easier. :(
Last reply Feb 15, 2016
October Updates
Keep us updated!
Last reply Nov 2, 2015
We have wanted another baby for a long time. On August 17th 2015 we were thrilled to learn we we pregnant. On September 18th we we're heartbroken to Learn there was no baby. I had what they call a blighted ovum. I'm scheduled for a d&c and so nervous. So my question is has anyone else had a blighted ovum. And after my d&c will I be able to get pregnant again?
Last reply Dec 1, 2015
Hi guys.. I'm pretty new to this app, and since I have such a hard time socialize in "real" life I figure I'd give a support group a try. I'm 33 years old, my husband is 44. I suffer from a lot of depression, which makes day to day life very difficult for me. When I do have to get up to go to work, it's a battle, regardless of how much sleep I had the night before. Troughtout the day I feel a lot of fatigue and all I can think about is coming home and resting, on the weekends even though I don't mean to I'll sleep til late in the afternoon, like LATE ... Sometimes 4pm. I don't want to socialize, I want people to leave me alone but that makes me even more depressed, you know? I feel like the one thing I want in life I can't have, which is being a mother, I'm not saying that's the sole source of my depression but it plays a part. My husband struggles with low testosterone and disc disease, I have a lot on my plate, a lot of insecurities, I don't feel good enough, pretty, secure enough, ambitious, I sometimes struggle with eating disorders too, comes and goes. I've a lot of abuse in my life, I do take meds, a see a therapist when I can but between my issues and my husband it's hard keeping things going smoothly, not to mention the money needed for all that. Sorry for the huge post. If anyone can say anything please do. Thanks.
Last reply Dec 20, 2016
BFP updates?!
How are all of our recent BFP'ers doing?! I feel like the group has been pretty quiet lately, which is fine, just wanting updates on our happy news girls! Hope everyone is great!
Last reply Sep 24, 2015
So confused....
From what I read and was told I had a chemical pregnancy this month. All positives up until like the day after af was due then all negatives. I've become a poas addict. Now af was due 11 days ago. No bleeding, spotting, nothing. Just light cramps and sore breasts here and there then nothing. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Could I possibly still be pregnant and just ending up having a late miscarriage? I'm so frustrated and confused because I was so happy after ttc for almost a year as of next month. I had to change my Dr appointment because the ultrasound tech wasn't there so I still don't know what's going on medically. Won't find out until later this week. Has anyone ever had all negatives tests and still had a healthy pregnancy and baby? Ugh, sorry for the rant. My mind is all over the place!
Last reply Sep 19, 2015
In need of support-Miscarriage at 4 weeks and 3 days
hey all. so my boyfriend and I are on our second month of ttc. when my period didn't come on September 5th I decided to take a hpt, thinking this was our month. I am sooooo regular. I never am late or miss periods. the hpt was negative. the next day in late afternoon I got a faint but very much there, positive. I continued to get these faint positives that seemed to be getting slightly darker, but I was peeing so much it was hard to know for sure. anyways, I went to the bathroom earlier today and realized I was bleeding. my heart sank. the bleeding stopped, then I spotted, then it stopped, and then came back again over the course of the entire day. the doctor had me come in for an ultrasound. No sac on the screen. no baby blob on the ultrasound. I had some fluid leaking outside the uterus (not sure what that means, if u know please tell me!) my boyfriend is being a total doll about the whole thing. he's so great. of course he is sad n all, but he's still holding it together for me. but girls, I can't stop crying. legit I'll stop and all of a sudden a wave of sadness comes over me and I start sobbing all over again. I know it was early on in the pregnancy but I am so depressed. I'm also scared I won't be able to get pregnant again. I had a terminated pregnancy at age 18 (please don't judge I'm still torn up about it and regret it 100% my mom and my then bf dragged me to a clinic) I really have no clue what to think right now. is it possible I could have not been pregnant? maybe it's my period instead? how do I overcome this? when can I start ttc again? will it take a while for my body to regulate? thank you all! please feel free to share your own experiences! I need some comfort I really do.
Last reply Feb 7, 2016
For anyone who has had one, how long did it take for your hcg to return to 0 and how long to get a period after??? I was 6 weeks 3 days when I miscarried.
Last reply Jul 2, 2016
September Updates!
New month! Lots of BFPs last month. Looking forward to seeing more this month! 😊
Last reply Oct 1, 2015