Third Time Moms
Any 3rd time (to be) mummies here? Is your pregnancy different to the others? Let's chat ?
Creator: Annette
Members: 125,611
Here we go again🫠🫠
So I had my firstborn 2022 than had my 2nd 2023. And for about 2 weeks I’ve been knowing I am pregnant again. We have a small construction business and it has not been going well. Economically we are living check by check with no luxuries. I feel trapped, I don’t feel like a grown woman that makes her own money like I once did, I don’t have the freedom to have me time all I want like him. I don’t feel like I have his full support in many aspects. Our communication is trash. We bump heads a lot and that is why I no longer wanted a 3rd child. My intuition was telling me to change my birth control. The day I had my appointment it was cancelled because where I live ppl freak out over a little snow 🙄😅🫠🤦🏽♀️ I wasn’t able to reschedule until about a month out 💩 I felt like I couldn’t trust myself with this b.c anymore and I kept trying to avoid sleeping in the same bed with him to try to not get pregnant. As always is women are expected to “Take care of ourselves “ but it’s both of our jobs. But tell that to him 🙄😒 I never really can predict my period sometimes it’s early sometimes it’s a week or two late. But this time idk why I was timing it so perfectly. So I grew suspicious and here we are. I’m about 6 weeks pregnant. I’m worried and happy at the same time but also sad. Stressed tfo. My boys are being more independent, slowly lost about 40lbs so was beginning to feel more motivated. But I noticed later that I could no longer wake up early af to go work out. My hard work has went out the window I’m worried about gaining back all this weight ppd feeling worthless not myself. I also know because of money reasons he’s not going to be happy. My concern is we are going to argue and he’s going to tell me ik I can’t be pregnant right now because we are not doing well yadda yadda. And Ik I’m not going to take his reaction well either. Ik I just need to get it over with but man I wish I could avoid what’s to come. And now I have to start over. On the other hand I hope it’s a girl if not I’ll also be sad because 3 is my limit. If it’s not that means I’ll never be a girl mom.
Last reply 5 days ago
Please comment
I'm 5'6 and I am 198 pounds. Im pregnant with baby number 3. I was wondering if i will show sooner than my 1st 2 pregnancies or will my belly get rounder sooner.
Last reply Mar 17
Im am currently 4 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. I am still having lower abdominal cramps like period cramps. I didn't feel like this my fist 2 pregnancyand had healthy babies and healthy pregnancies. I know every pregnancy is different. Also the lines on my pregnancy test are very dark very positive. Please comment. If this is normal. Some reassurance is nice. Thank you in advance.
Last reply Mar 14
who else is 6dpo!
I really hope its my month for BFP! Been trying for 11 months.. anyone else 6dpo?
Last reply Feb 3
Sitting right on the edge of labor
And nothing is working to tip me into it! I’m 40+3 with #3. I had medical inductions with the first two at 39+5. With #3 I’ve been in prodromal labor for two weeks, and I’m currently sitting at 5cm and 50% effaced. I’m looking at another medical induction in 8 days. I’ve had two membrane sweeps, and done the castor oil, evening primrose oil, clary sage oil, dates, raspberry leaf and hibiscus teas, nipple stimulation, spinning babies techniques, miles circuit, and the sex. Everything to ripen my cervix and try to stimulate contractions. Baby is definitely engaged. I’m flabbergasted. My uterus’ oxytocin receptors are clearly open, or I wouldn’t be dilated, effaced and experiencing contractions. I have no clue what is stalling this. I’m uncomfortable enough that I’m having a hard time keeping up on the house, kids and other responsibilities. Yet, obviously, baby will come only when she’s ready, or be evicted in 8 days.Any suggestions?
Last reply Jan 31
Unplanned +pregnancy test
I tested positive this AM at work. I’m in shock, I took my BC on time every time and well my bf of 3.5 months must have super sperm. I’m nervous about this pregnancy due to being after I had gastric sleeve surgery 3 years ago. I had my other 2 children pre-sleeve. My bf and I are both excited but anxious due to him having a 13yo and 11yo, mine are 9yo, and 6yo. Does anyone have any words of encouragement or advise?
Last reply Jan 28
3 under 3 CAR recs
Anyone with 3 under 3 have any car recommendations? My oldest is forward facing, but my second child isn't ready for that yet. And than ill have a newborn. Looking for something that also has trunk space for strollers or their scooters/bikes, ect...
Last reply Jan 20
Heartbeat & gender
Just wondering I’ve seeen alot of ppl say a fetus/ baby higher heart rate meant it was a girl and vice versa , idk but I’m wondering what was yall babies before 12 weeks ( if you got a scan ) heart rate n was it a boy or a girl ? Curios to see if that theory is more accurate than I want to believe .ty for commenting in advance ❤️
Last reply Jan 10
When did you go into natural labor?
My two so far have been 10 and 8 days early on their own. Currently pregnant with #3 and curious what the timeline for others has looked like!!
Last reply Jan 4
6 months PP, ebf & bfp!
We are so excited to complete our family! Any words of wisdom? Do I stop taking postnatal bf tablets and take prenatals?
Last reply Dec 15, 2024
3rd pregnancy movements
3rd time pregnant and feel like I've been having flutters since week 15 or is it just in my head? lol
Last reply Dec 4, 2024
Nub theory! A boy or a girl?
Last reply Nov 28, 2024
How to announce to my other littles?!
Hiii! I just found out I'm pregnant with baby #3. I have an almost 6 & almost 4 year old. I want to hear all the cute special ways you told your other children!
Last reply Nov 27, 2024
Cycle tracking post partum
How long did it take to get your first period after giving birth, if you were not breastfeeding or exclusively breastfeeding?
Last reply Nov 19, 2024
Unplanned third time pregnancy
I had a feeling so I took a test, period should have been here this week and that’s a pretty dark line.. I have a 10 and 5 year old and I’m in shock a little. Weirdly calm and haven’t told my husband yet.. anyone else have a similar experience? 😵💫
Last reply Dec 18, 2024
Making Room for 3
We are wanting to start trying for our 3rd, but only have a 3 bedroom house. Currently have a 6yo boy and 2 yo girl. How did those of you with smaller houses make room for a 3rd? I shared a room with my sisters but I don’t remember how it worked when I was a toddler and she was a baby
Last reply Oct 30, 2024
I was expressing to relieve the breast and I have mastitis symptoms but trying to avoid antibiotics for another 24 hours. There was like a boogers substance coming out with the milk. Is that good? Is it the infection? Keep doing that to get rid of it? Any feedback from you all would be great, my lactation consultant isn't available until tomorrow! Thanks!
Last reply Oct 20, 2024
‼️‼️Trigger warning: bleeding‼️‼️I am approximately 5 weeks, which is less than I thought based on my last period, but Saturday I started spotting and it has not stopped. My levels are currently 3513 and my cervix is closed still.. has anyone has this currently or in previous pregnancies? This is myThird and I’ve never had this before and I’m trying hard not to over worry. It’s not bright red at all it’s dark with a hint of red for the most part..
Last reply Nov 30, 2024
Biggest baby belly yet
Last reply Oct 16, 2024
Period while breastfeeding
I just had my 3rd child on August 10th. With my previous two kids I did not get a period until they were around a year old when I stopped pumping / breastfeeding. He is 7 weeks and I just got my period. Why?!?!? Is this normal?! Will it affect my supply? I’m still exclusively breastfeeding and we had a lot of latching issues at the start and still are working on them. Could that be why? Feeling frustrated.
Last reply Dec 22, 2024