High School

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so yesterday i got ran over by a car, from both feet to my leg to my shoulder. i’m not seriously injured but i am limping and my legs are sensitive. today my boyfriend came to my house with a promposal saying “ break a leg with me @ prom “ with a picture of my leg and a car wheel on top of it. i feel a bit hurt that, that’s the only thing he thought about asking me to prom AND how he didn’t put in consideration on how that would effect me. I told him i was a little upset but he seemed mad or sad that i told him and wont text me very much now. on top of that he asked my friends if id like it and they said yes. i mean i could’ve died my whole body was under the car. idk. am i in the wrong?

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Last reply 6 days ago


so im a pretty involved person at school and i be there like 24/7, and i feel like thats all i do. im committed to my things so i cant not be, but its js like goddamn. sometimes i want to js be a regular teenager and do rambunctious shit, and sometimes i just want to have a bf but literally every single guy ik doesnt like me and i don’t understand why. my recent ex broke up w me because of college and being out of state and im just so pissed like i fucking hate everything right now. my period’s late too and im just like what the actual fuck. im so sick of every fucking thing and i hate the fact that no guy will ever like me

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Last reply Sep 12, 2024


You’re blessed to be so mature. Working for your future, looking out for your future at such a young age, this is a HUGE blessing. A teenager boy doesn’t like you. So what. They’re too immature for a strong girl like you. You’re blessed. Keep working on your stuff and you’ll very soon see your hard work pay off. You’re not missing out on anything but regrets and guilts. You’re doing it right. And a man who knows your worth will come along the way, meanwhile don’t miss your life for just some teenagers not being into you right now. Although I’m pretty sure you scare them. Not many teenagers are serious about this one life we are blessed with.

I need ideas for hoco dresses!!!!!

So my teacher just told us that the homecoming theme for this year is going to be Alice in wonderland! I have some ideas. I want straps on the dress though and NO LONG SLEEVES! I’d rather not have to pull up my dress every 5 seconds if ykwim lol. Here’s my ideas but please comment on what you guys think I should do!!! I’m open to any and all ideas!1. A puffy-ish light blue dress (represents Alice)2. A dark red dress (represents queen of hearts)3. A dark purple (represents Cheshire Cat)

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Last reply Nov 3, 2024



How can I keep up with a long distance crush?

Ive had a crush on a guy (lets call him P) all year. I planned to ask him out yesterday at a mutual friend's grad party, but he was never alone and i didnt want to do it in front of his friends. At this point, id rather just try to be friends than ask him out over text. He goes off to college in August (im the grade behind him), and he'll be out of state but still close by. I want to try and stay in touch, and ask him out next summer, if he's still single and I'm still interested by then. Ill hopegully see him a couple more times this summer at group hangs and maybe over winter break. I have his snap and number, but we dont usually talk a ton. Any tips for keeping in touch until this time next year? :)

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Last reply Jun 10, 2024

Im struggling.

I am 17 years old and my life feels terrible. I used to be a good student but now i can hardly put in any effort and have to feel the dissapointment of those around me. I lie to them and say im doing okay in classes because im scared of their reaction then they find out and i feel horrible. I can barely bathe myself and shower once a week at most and i dont take care of my hair or brush my teeth even though i want to. Every time i try, i end up giving up really quickly. I am obese abd borderline diabetic. As much as i want to exorcise or start a diet, i cant stick to it. Nobody at school likes me and i cant seem to keep friends very long because im considered obnoxious or loud. I want to change but i cant find the motivation to put my phone down. My life is spiraling out of control and im afraid of the future.

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Last reply Nov 3, 2024


Omfg gurl.... i feel the same way, I shaved my head a month ago cause im just sick of life, all my friends hate me because I talk too loud and because im too ''extra'' Im not really alowed to have social media cause my parents are too strict, so im considered a loser, I left school 3 months ago so now im homeschooled, I just say to hell with all the haters.


This is a wild ride so buckle in.(i am not using real names in this)A bit of background info i started at a new school this year, and i didn't know anyone. After a month or so i was adopted by a friend group, the friend group consists of the people i would normally be with (gay kids and the outcasts) When i joined this group i met a girl, we'll call her Amy. After about a week or so of being friends she told me that she had a crush on me and asked me if i could be her girlfriend or go on a date with her, i accepted mainly because i felt bad (i am a very sensitive person and i am manipulated easily). Amy and i dated for a week, and i hated the entire relationship because i just didn't love her. At the same time i was dating her, i was starting to develop feelings for a guy in the group that i had become good friends with and had a lot in common with me (we'll call him sean). I broke up with Amy after a week into our relationship because i felt guilty and was just unhappy. a couple weeks later i went over to sean's house to hangout (we both like to skate, so he invited me over to skate his neighborhood) while i was there he was acting very shy. In school i found out from one of our friends that he actually had a crush on me, i called him after school i confessed my feelings to him. Him and I have been together for 8 months and we are really happy together. Amy, has tried multiple times to ruin our relationship and even tried to kiss me when we were having a group meetup. Another remember in our group, Rose, is like the therapist friend, she knows basically everything about everyone in our group, and she told me that amy keeps going back and forth between being obsessed with me and hating me.Now what i need help with:Amy recently told me that rose likes sean, and this made me extremely nervous because i have been cheated on before in this same type of situation. Rose and sean have been best friends for a while. Rose also identifies as Aroace (no romantic or sexual attraction). I know it's dumb, but i can't help but be scared. I have noticed rose physically getting really close to sean (like getting her face close to his, touching his knee, etc.) as well as getting in between us (she once pushed me away from sean when him and i were sitting next to each other to take my spot). I know i'm probably just insecure and overthinking it, but i can't help it. i can't stop feeling this way. I trust sean, but im still nervous. i have actually grown to not like rose, and i feel guilty because of it. Please give me advice on how to get over this ;-;

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Last reply Nov 3, 2024



Exam !!

Do you have exam experience while being on menstruation ?🙂 Like you're really dying from pain but also wants an A.

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Last reply Jun 12, 2024


I had a heating pad but it was like a belt you could fasten around your waist. It was battery powered, so I put the little battery pack in my pocket and just wore something a little baggier to hide the heat pad belt. I don’t recommend putting it directly against your skin, but for me I knew it wouldn’t burn me because I was use to that heat setting. On my heavy period days I feel so much better with the heating pad so I wanted to find something more portable. Also, caffeine makes cramps worse so maybe avoid things like coffee. Drink LOTS of water!!

Tommy ih shakiarawalton new song on video

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Last reply Sep 15, 2023

Anyone wanna talk

Seems to be some girls with like minded intrest in pregnancy and being pregnant, would love to make new friends that are pregnant, wanna be pregnant and just share stuff and be friends with no judgments, so hard to find. Please comment if you wanna talk or DM and comment age and why you wanna be pregnant

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Last reply Sep 17, 2023


Hi.hv text u


No, I'm 13 and would NOT like that

Hey y'all....am a Ugandan looking for friends on this app too


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Last reply Aug 27, 2023


I’ve been on here for some time and I’m here for anyone, women need to stick together. Im from Puerto Rico so I know how you feel 😊

newborn stuff🫶

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Last reply Jul 14, 2023


@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


If you feel really deeply about it then I think that you should just have a conversation with her. I went through something similar, and even though I didn’t know how things would go I just took a deep breath and had the conversation. Good luck.

Guys plz help asap

Something happened. I should not have done it. My due date was late and I was really struggling with migraines and things so I got an extension. But my friend share her work to me and I had not done my historiography so I just changed the words and used her instead. Ahhhhh I turned it in and it was under 18% plagiarism and that bit was not plagiarized. A month or so later the teacher pulled me aside saying that it had came up as plagiarism on my friends work and she showed me the two documents and the last three paragraphs where pretty much the same a little different though. I freaked out and said I don’t know anything that happened. She was really questioning me and I kept on saying I don’t know she said the other person said she did not know either so this is going to an investigation because they are too similar and to come talk to her if I know anything next period. What should I do, I am really freaked out. She said this has never happened to her and that I turned it in later then the other girl. Should I just wait it out or should I tell her I was just about to ask her if I could do scholarship as well. Ahhhh

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Last reply Jun 19, 2023


Come clean and explain why. If you have proof of Dr’s visits regarding your migraines might help your cause. Explain that out of fear and guilt you haven’t slept. You have learned your lesson. But with this you might get consequences and just have to accept them.


okay so this is like so embarrassing but i've liked this guy since february & i never like got the chance to talk to him cuz he lowk intimidates me, BUT THE SCHOOL YR IS ALMOST OVER & I SRSLY WANNA MAKE A MOVE!!!!!! here's the thing tho, i have no idea what to do, like we never ever talked before, and we share one class together. help me pls tysm😭😭😭😭

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Last reply Jun 12, 2024


I’d ask for his number! If you need help knowing what to say then you could say something like “hey I think you’re cool can I get your number?” I get that it can be scary but it could lead to something good!! If he says no then at least you know! If you get his number then chat it up! Don’t be one of those people that wait to respond for a while because you don’t wanna seem desperate 😞 it’s not worth it believe me. Just being yourself is the most important thing. If everything works out then yay! Don’t change yourself just to impress him because he will find out eventually. I hope everything goes well! If you decide to go with this lmk how it goes!! You can msg me if needed!

what are some fun risky things you like to do when hanging out with friends?

not trying to get myself hurt or anything like that, but yk you only live once and i just wanna have fun while im in high school

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Last reply Nov 3, 2024


Bungee jumping, cliff diving, asking people out, acting gay with eachother even though we mean nothing by it, roler coasters at amusement parks, HORROR MOVIES!

What should I post on my private story?

I'm into this guy, and I heard it's a good idea to make a private story on snap chat with just tye person you like. I did that, and named it, (my name) after dark, but I don't know what to post on there. So far, I think I'll add some Spotify links to what I listen to at night, maybe some tik toks, and some recent pictures I have from late at night. Does that sound okay? What kinds of things should I post to give of a flirty/sexy vibe, without being too explict?

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Last reply May 29, 2023


know this is a late response but maybe some darker, late night mirror pics or selfies?

does he like me or just wants to hookup?? i’m so confused

so this all started last year. i was a senior and he was a junior. we were really good friends i would tell him about my boy problems. we had a kinda flirty friendship and he was really touchy with me but not inappropriately or anything. he eventually go a girlfriend but they broke up after a month. but even during that time he would walk me to class and still treat me better than her to be honest. over the summer we would flirt all the time over text and then we hung out once but nothing happened. then the week before i leave for university he drunk facetime calls me and basically confesses his love for me. saying i’m so beautiful and he has a crush on me and that we are like meant to be and will live together in the future, etc. i confront him the next day when he’s sober and he denies everything but then after i tell him i have a crush on him he says he’s “tryna do shit with me” aka hookup. fast forward over winter break we hang out and we end up making out at the movies and he’s trying to do more but i say no. fast forward to the first week of april he texts me asking if i’m coming down for easter i say no then he asks when i end school and when i come back home, i think implying that he wants to see me.what do you guys think of this whole situation??

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Last reply Apr 22, 2023

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Last reply Apr 22, 2023


i went through something kinda similar. i thing he is interested in you but maybe not a whole crush. i say take a short break from starting the convos (maybe for like 2 weeks) but when you see him in person find ways to touch him a bit, but don’t over due it. and just be patient.

Help with a project

Can you tell how long do you spend on socials. Pleaseee

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Last reply Mar 31, 2023