High Risk Pregnancies
Support for all high-risk pregnancies. Share your story here.
Creator: Glow
Members: 45,711
Vbac and pain meds
Anyone with a heart condition that was able to have a vaginal birth without medications?I have a mild dilated cardiomyopathy but my heart has been doing well that my cardiologist said I do not need extra heart monitoring during labor and delivery. However I'm trying out for a VBAC and my high risk doctors said I'm a great candidate. I'm still waiting on word about pain management from my cardiologist.
Last reply Apr 7, 2021
Placenta accreta
So I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and all in one week we found out we are having our second girl and also placenta accreta. This is when your placenta starts to go through or goes through all the way of your uterus. I have had previous c sections so I guess it’s because of that. It is going through the scar tissue. My doctor this week has started explaining everything to me and told me I was extremely high risk. I’m more than likely going to need a hysterectomy now too because they won’t be able to get the placenta out. I may even need blood transfusions. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice or anything they can tell me about it so I can be as prepared as possible. I have to get an MRI done and meet with an oncologist to discuss the surgery.
Last reply Jan 14
Veins on boobs!?
I’m 33 weeks, expected to go into labor at any time and I noticed these before bathing. I didn’t have them this morning. Is that normal?
Last reply Jul 2, 2020
Itp and pregnancy
The girls who are pregnant and having itp I just wanna know does your pregnancy go smoothly?????im 19 weeks and have severe form of itp I’m so worried
Last reply Apr 12, 2019
Did u work after having a cervical cerclage?
Last reply Feb 13, 2019
Any Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns mommas out there?
I have been switched to a high risk pregnancies after being in horrible flare the last two months. I ended up spending a week in the hospital. The baby is gaining weight and doing fine despite my 30 pound loss. I am currently 28 weeks. Just wondering if any women out there are battling one of these illnesses pregnant?
Last reply Feb 11, 2019
Hospitalized til full term
Hey. Just wondering if anyone else experienced having to be admitted in the hospital the rest of their pregnancy toBe monitored ? & how would you even have a baby shower in the hospital 😭 I’m 25 + 1 today admitted at 23 weeks & was supposed to have a baby shower but how
Last reply Mar 9, 2019
Pregnancy after myomectomy
Hi All-Curious if any of you ladies on here have had an open myomectomy where they cut into your uterine wall and had a successful pregnancy after? How long after the procedure did you conceive?
Last reply Mar 5, 2019
Measuring 2 weeks ahead
Let me start by saying I have gestational diabetes I was trying to control it with just diet so I Went to my high risk dr today she was doing all the measurements starting with the head when she got to her weight she said oh wow I look at the screen and its says 30 weeks and 3 days I'm 28 weeks and 2 days she then told me that at this point the baby should be around 2lbs and she is measuring 3lbs 4ozs so unfortunately she had to put me on medication then she told me even worse news....I have a low lying placenta with marginal cord insertion so far the placenta has moved up but they have an 8mm piece that is pretty close to being on my cervix so she told me she will recheck In 8 weeks if it is still that close she doesnt want me to take the chance in having a vaginal birth I was very very upset I've had 3 vaginal births and this is my last baby and I really dont want a csection 😥😥😥
Last reply Feb 19, 2019
So some of the plug came out, so now it's just time to wait for my little one to come into this world. I just cant wait 38 weeks and 4 days
Last reply Feb 9, 2019
Mucus plug?
I’m currently 33 weeks today.
Last reply Feb 16, 2019
36weeks and 2cm open
So i went in to check out a uncomfortable feeling i was having near my rib and once im put on monitor to check if im having contraction , turns out i am and that im 2cm open , they hydrated me and was told i stopped opening Could i continue to open? Is it too early ? How long can i stay at 2cm ? Last friday i was closed and now im at 2cm Was told my cervix is soft , but im not sure if that makes a difference ? This is my first pregnancy.
Last reply Feb 7, 2019
What is this?
Is this a knot in the umbilical cord? I prob won’t know till Friday and I’m freaking out
Last reply Feb 11, 2019
Bleeding after sex
Because of having NF1 and a leep procedure 2 years ago I was told I'd be high risk. I had a transvaginal ultrasound yesterday and everything seemed ok then today after sex I started bleeding what seem like a lot and bright red. By 2 hours later it was brown and only when I wiped. Still brown and when I wipe now 7 hours later. This scared the hell out of me. Anyone else?
Last reply Feb 16, 2019
Surprise Surprise!
My husband and I have 6 children together, 3 girls and 3 boys. Our boys are 15, 13, and 8. Our girls are 12, 5, and 9 months. The plan was after our last baby I would get on some kind of birth control which was the Nuva Ring. Well without me knowing this past October my Nuva Ring came out. I conceived at the beginning of November and found out I was pregnant again in December. I was devistated because having 6 children was enough, now 7! Wow.... Then me and my husband went for our first ultrasound last week and surprise surprise, it's twins!!!! I almost passed out. Our family just went from 8 to 10.🤦 But I guess God had other plans for us. 🤷😊
Last reply Mar 4, 2019
Any one else taking baby aspirin
I was taking 81mg baby aspirin but now the doctor upped my dosage to 325mg. He said it was safe, but it still sounds really high. They did blood work and I came out positive for lupus coagulation so that is the reason why he upped my dosage.
Last reply Feb 13, 2019
Abnormal umbilical cord insertion
Anyone else have an abnormal cord insertion??? The waiting to find out what time is killing me. Have to wait another month to repeat scans. Between the subchronic bleed and location of placenta they can’t tell what kind it is.
Last reply Feb 9, 2019
Early anatomy ultrasound
So today I am 17 weeks and we went in for our early anatomy ultrasound due to having a pervious child born with no functioning kidneys and no working bladder. Today we found out our daughter has two kidneys and a bladder. Just praying her kidneys continue to work and everything looks good next month @ her full anatomy ultrasound. I am so relieved and excited to actually enjoy this pregnancy finally with out all the worry about her having kidneys.
Last reply Feb 6, 2019
C section
It’s my first baby and she’s breeched , I have high blood pressure and gestational diabetes so my doctor wants to do a c section on Friday the 15th . I’m just really nervous of course I know you can feel nothing during the procedure but I’m more nervous for the recovery. Do you ladies have any tips for that who have gone through a c section and want to share your experience?
Last reply Feb 14, 2019
subchorionic hemorrhage
Hi everyone,Im 30 years old had a miscarriage last October @ 4 week. I am now currently 7w 5d with my rainbow baby. This past Friday I had an episode in which I felt as a water ballon had pooped and instantly I started dripping lots and lots of blood, at that moment I thought I had lost my baby. Thank god at the ER their confirm my baby is perfectly fine. They did diagnose me with a subchorionic hemorrhage. At this moment I have been in complete bed rest I am even scared to cough . I was told by my oB that it might go away, yet is undefined until when. I am praying and feel very optimistic, yet I feel I panic over every little ache I feel now.. Any recommendations or advice is greatly appreciated
Last reply Mar 22, 2020