Same-Sex Pregnant Couples

This is a group for any same-sex couple on Nurture or Glow who are pregnant!

Creator: Suzie

Members: 35,475


This is a group created for any pregnant same-sex couples on Glow. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions. 

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Last reply Sep 20, 2022


Hey ladies! I’m 17 weeks + 3 days at the moment. This is my first pregnancy and my wife and I have been trying for the past 2 years. I got pregnant via IVF and previous attempts were via IUI. So we’re so excited for the new addition to our family! My wife and I have been together for 11 years, and married for a little over a year. Crazy right! I’m so excited to connect with you all ♥️

Helllp!!!!! 😫😫

Hello!!! Okay so, my gf and I are planning to start our pregnancy journey again and I’m trying my hardest to not feel overwhelmed with all of the things that we’ve been told to do to get pregnant. Our first try went okay considering we weren’t really sure what we were doing lol. I could feel my body going through all of the changes, which was really exciting, however, the stress of moving shortly after didn’t allow for things to work out as we had hoped. This time around, I want to feel a bit more confident in the process from beginning to end so that we can have the best results.I know that different strokes work for different folks, but I was hoping that I could some basic advice and suggestions for our next try.

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Last reply Feb 11


I would say only worry about what you can change and take care of yourself first. Take prenatal starting now if yall haven’t already this will help aid the body. Don’t stress too much there’s nothing to do other than eat right, rest and drink water. The body is handling the rest not much to do outside of that. I’m currently a little over 5 weeks pregnant and I just been chilling trying to stay hydrated and well fed and rested. If I constantly keep thinking about is the baby okay I’d go crazy. I know if I’m good then the tiny human in my tummy is good.

Anyone had luck getting pregnant after your peak day?

Hey so my wife and I are trying for our second child. I am wondering if anyone’s had luck getting pregnant with a donor when they are not at their peak ovulation? Last time we did it at my peak days and got pregnant the first try. This time we won’t be able to till the day after my peak. Thank you for any advice or tips!

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Last reply Feb 1


It’s definitely possible!! I got pregnant not even a week after my period. The week following my period I got pregnant! Sending you baby dust!!

Happy mom to be

My wife miscarried three months ago and we got our big fat positive now praying everything goeswell and we got or miracle baby please baby dust

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Last reply Sep 10, 2024


We have our first ultrasound scheduled for the 16 to see our peanut for the first time we are excited thanks to all for the baby dust

Looking to get pregnant but need help!

My fiance and I are looking to start trying to get pregnant in August-September. I have no idea how to go about it though. We want to do it at home but I don’t know what bank is the best. Does anyone have any recommendations or any tips on what we can do to increase our chances of conceiving? Thank you!

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Last reply Jun 10, 2024


if you can, try to get a metformin prescription for pcos! i started my prescription on april 30th & am now 6 weeks pregnant 🙃

12 DPO 🥹

After 2 chemicals in 3 months I am PRAYINGGG for a sticky bean!!!!❤️🫶🏻🙏🏼

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Last reply Mar 8, 2024


Congratulations 🫶🏼🫶🏼


My wife and I have been married for almost 2 years, we’ve been together for 3 years. I’ve got two previous children from previous relationships. However, my wife and I have been trying to conceive with a private donor for 5-6 months.We’ve used the at home insemination method, where he obviously gives us a sample in a sterile sample cup, and we inseminate it ourselves, has anyone else done this method? What’s the best way to do it? The best products to use, how long did it take to become successful? We really want to add a baby to our family. Please help lead us in the right direction.

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Last reply May 21, 2024


Try adding mucinex (won’t hurt). Try IUI (they will probably want him completely tested including a genetic panel) and he will have to come in to get the sperm washed and processed for IUI since you are never supposed to introduce unwashed sperm into the uterus. I’m not sure the legalities of it since you aren’t married to your donor. They may want legal paperwork. We ended up using a sperm bank. Our private donor wanted pictures of them until they were 18 and wanted way more involvement than we were willing to give. Gave us the creeps, so now we use a donor who donates to our cryobank, and we aren’t at risk of loosing our child to their biological father.

Pregnancy Advise

So me and my fiancé (same sex) have been keeping track of my ovulation so we can do an at home insemination & I feel like my body is not ovulating when it should. I’ve been testing and keeping track day by day. Does anyone have advise ? Or what could help? Like increase fertility.

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Last reply Jul 22, 2023


As for increasing fertility, if there are no underlying fertility conditions, many woman have had success in getting pregnant after switching to the Mediterranean diet, which I can vouch for, I have a very big Italian family, and I got pregnant in one go. Also regular exercise, and a healthy sleep schedule is beneficial, as well as taking care to destress as frequently as possible.I use an app called Expectful that has meditations for women who are ttc, are pregnant, and postpartum, I really enjoy it

Its been a long since i have posted here

Like the title says its been a long time. So heres the short story. 2020 i was pregnant with twins, babies 4&5 for me. The father decided to bale at around 8 months. My friend Jen who is mostly lesbian decided to step in and help me. We started turning this friendship into a relationship, i have always been Bi but never got into a relationship with another girl. But we did, Jen ended up being there for me throught labor and delivery which was difficult as my first twin came out vaginally and my 2nd one decided he wasnt coming down so they did a c seaction. Anyway after the twins were born. I never added there father to there birth certificates, Jen and i looked at them as ours, we moved in together shortly after they were born. And got married a little over a year later. We live together raising the 5 kids, late last year we started to talk about adding to the family and decided that Jen would carry, we found a donor (friend) we did the dead and now we are 6 months along with Twins lol. We are hoping for a natural vaginal birth, with guaidence from a much more twin vaginal birth friendly doctor, we will deliver in a hospital setting but will not have any medical aid unless we request it, or the babies present a problem (ie premature, flip breech/transverse) even if B goes breech dr. Said we should still be ok as long as we listen when the time comes. We searched long and hard to find a doctor we could trust and like. Right now they are sitting head down right in front of each other, so she has a wide torpedo like shape to here lol.

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Last reply Jul 13, 2023

Fertility detox day one

I send baby dust to all that are trying to conceive. I'm starting my fertility detox Today. My package just arrived. I'm praying that this works for me because I really want to expand my family, wish me luck. My fingers are crossed.

Fertility detox day one
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Last reply Apr 15, 2023

SCH subchronic hemorrhage

Hello I’m 9 weeks and I have been experiencing SCH on and off since week 6. It kinda freaks me out each time the bleeding or spotting occurs! Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone share with me their experience?! Thank you all in advance!

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Last reply Feb 24, 2023

LGBT family

How easy is it for LGBT couples to have a family? It's a hard question to answer as it depends on the country, financial aid, moral support, resources available and law and legislation.There are so many types of treatments in clinics and hospitals, home insemination, known and unknown donors, surrogacy, IUI, IVF, RIVF... It's all about you!We welcomed our daughter Leyana Moore on 28th November 2023. It was our 3rd IUI.What would you like to read about?

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Last reply Feb 11, 2023

Embryo transfer

Anyone on here doing there first round of IVF and have a fresh embryo transfer? I’m looking for community as these are really rough times and thought I’d hop on here and find people who are also going through this. I’m super nervous about my Beta test coming up Thursday since I just got home from the hospital and my pregnancy test was negative but maybe it’s just too soon. Idk but it did break my heart when I heard it was negative. Maybe it’s just too early and there’s still time and hope. I think tying to stay strong but it’s hard.

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Last reply Feb 25


Hi, I just had my embryo transfer on 2/18 and am also looking for community through this. Too soon for a pregnancy test and just trying to do my positive affirmations and believe!! Hope everything’s going well for you 🩷

What does fluttering/quickening feeling like?

So I’ve been feeling some movement … I think in my lower abdomen. But it’s not as described as what I see online (bubbles, gas, tickles, etc). I feel movement for sure but more so like a twinge, slight cramping almost, not painful at all just a different feeling. This is also my first pregnancy. I’m 17 weeks + 3 days along. What would you say it fluttering/quickening feels like?

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Last reply Sep 21, 2022


a paintbrush stroke or goldfish swimming

Higher risk?

Has anyone ever been told they are slightly higher risk because you got pregnant via IUI?? Our OB is sending us to a specialist for our anatomy scan and I was just wondering if this is normal? No other medical issues otherwise

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Last reply Dec 23, 2022


We were initially told by the nurse at the OB office that we’d need to go to a special floor for our anatomy scan because we got pregnant through IUI and were referred by the reproductive health clinic, but when the doctor came in he looked at my chart and told us we weren’t high risk. IUI worked for us the first time and he was going to treat this as a low risk pregnancy unless something else comes up along the way.

best time to take a pregnancy test

Good Morning ladies I have a couplequestions! I am 19 and this is my second attempt at trying for a baby with Artificial At home insemination! so I did the insemination process on my peak day and my ovulation day and I did it twice both days My question is when would be the best time to take a pregnancy test? I've been looking things up online and some say between 5-8 days DPO is a good time to test some websites say it may not be accurate enough, some say 12-14 days but the inseminations different from actually having sexual intercourse. I am currentlv 3 days DPO today.

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Last reply Dec 23, 2022

6 Months

Our baby girl is growing waaaay to quick 🥲🥲 thought I’d share her on here as I haven’t before! I don’t think? Haha

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Last reply Oct 26, 2022


She’s beautiful

Almost there!

I know how it is to be on both sides of having a loss but also coming out with success and excitement. I can’t help but feel some guilt to share my happiness with some of our family as it has been hard for a few of our women to conceive but I am just so excited but also scared of all the what ifs?. I can’t wait to meet our baby boy and I guess we did a great job picking our donor as many say with his 3d ultrasound he already looks like my wife. Time flew by so fast and I know I’m going to miss being pregnant so advice to all the moms and dads to be take as many pictures and videos live in the moment because I’m already regretting not documenting everything over my guilt. 5MORE WEEKS!

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Last reply Jan 31, 2022

Ease my mind?

My wife and I are TTC, I am currently almost four days late but I keep getting negative tests. Anyone else experience this? Did it take long to get a positive?

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Last reply Dec 30, 2021


Our first two months TTC, my cycle went aaaalll out of wack and I ended up a few days late before starting my period 😩Third time was the charm for us with our known donor and I got my first solid positive around 7DPO! And even then I was still confused as to when I actually conceived 😂Honestly, the testing process wasn’t as cut and dry as I thought it would be. You can check my profile under my uploaded images and see all my confusion, I was 2DPO getting faint lines, which was obviously not possible LMAO. I’m still not convinced I hadn’t conceived the 2nd month and just took a long time to test positive. I had a weird 3-day period then started around ovulating a week later.The whole conception process is so emotionally taxing and I was so close to taking a break for a few months before starting again, but I’m so glad I stuck it out one more cycle 🥰 sending all the good vibes yalls way!!

Period or implementation bleeding need help

Last night I started like bleeding or I guess spotting but idk what it should look like. I don’t know how It should feel?

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Last reply Dec 19, 2021