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Creator: Lillie

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I’ve had a couple of boob jobs. My first one definitely wasn’t free and I still got small ones lol. I don’t regret it though.


If you take Plan B and it delays your ovulation and then you have unprotected sex again you could actually even increase your chances of getting pregnant as now the new sperm and delayed egg have a chance to meet.
Upvotes 2
Comments 9

Last reply Oct 1, 2022


I’m in the same boat. I told my husband that if he doesn’t fix his addiction to the game I’m going to leave him an take our kids 100% custody. He so bad my kid will be crying coz they hurt themselves an he would tell them to get over it.


All of my tattoos have meaning.


I had tongue, nose, Monroe, and belly button... I let them all close once my twins were born in May, out of respect for my boyfriend. He didn't like them and it was an impulsive spontaneous thing I did a couple years ago when I was with my ex husband, one piercing after the other. Mind you I'm 37 so yeah for me I was ok letting them close.


if you explain this to doordash support they’re super good about just giving you a full refund!


Senddddd itttttt👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I was gifted a bottle of dapple and thought it was absolute BS. And then I used it and the bottles were cleaner than handbags with dawn or through the dishwasher. It isn’t more expensive than our regular dish soap, it just meant having an extra bottle. I think that’s the only thing I did different though. We already used unscented clean laundry soap and household cleaners etc. but yes, a specialized bottle soap made a huge difference for us.


A week early


The scent has probably changed so you should get rid of it and buy yourself a new one.


Full shower including shaving every single day.
Upvotes 0
Comments 1

Last reply Sep 4, 2022


I know someone who spent 15 years on death row before taking his own life. He asked the judge to put him there. But I still don’t believe in it. It’s extremely expensive, involves an appeal even if the inmate doesn’t want one, it gives the guards an excuse to be more cruel than if it was life without parole, and very few are actually executed (0.7% in 2020).


No but it is disrespectful


Less embarassed and more momentarily unreasonably jealous of my cats who rake in the adoration. 😆


I get that way too! But I found a way around it. All I do, is that when I talk to people, I make jokes for myself and if they like them, then good, if not, no worries we don't need to be best friends you know? A lot of social anxiety comes from insecurity, so if you become a little more comfortable with yourself and talk about those things which you think are cool (because they are) eventually you'll find people who agree. Odds are too if they don't share an interest with you, they'll still be interested in you/want to talk since you have a clear point of view. Bonus: you get to hear about their fun cool things you didn't know about before, and then you've both learned something new and had a good conversation


To be honest. Dnt even try anymore. Just dnt bring it up and if she brings it up, ignore it and talk about something else. You’re not invited so try not to push it. 1. Leave it at that2. Never bring it up again3. Don’t push it4. Really, I can tell you might want to talk to the sister about that. DON’T. 5. If you were that important to her, she would have tried. It seems like you want to do the sacrifice but she could care less. So, give up. I’m sure you can use that gas money to do something better and the tome you would spend at that baby shower to for a self care day. 6. If I were you, I would NOT reach out to her again if she left you on read. That is disrespectful.


a friends roommate didnt get a positive test till 5 months along and had period like bleeding through her pregnancy so anythings possible apparently lol