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Creator: Lillie

Members: 714,046


Tim’s jalapeño chips!!
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Last reply Jun 2, 2022


But only ruffles ketchup.. all lays chips are 🤢🤮
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Last reply Apr 28, 2022

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Last reply Apr 28, 2022


Nope.It's all hype.I'm pretty sure the ending will ruin the whole thing like how they did Game of Thrones.
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Last reply Jul 21, 2022


I meant to say no
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Last reply Apr 26, 2022


home, hand public, foot


Ideally, you want to save 3-6 months of living expenses as your emergency fund. If you keep your expenses low and have no dependents, you have a good start.




I meant to say no. It's not petty.


Wtf no do not kill your fish. Let him go naturally.


Folders are alphabetical order. Apps within the folders are in rainbow order 🤣


How can I even choose 🤤 pasta is my favourite food


Maybe an ultimatum? You know like warn him that by him making no effort you are starting to no longer feel like there is a marriage to save like you have in the past when you have brought it up
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Comments 3

Last reply Jun 6, 2022


Put them together and make a burrito 🤤 Fruit roll up is the tortilla and fruit gushers is the filling
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Last reply Apr 25, 2022


As an Asian, I can say my mother and I are diligent about washing rice. 😬


I was just wondering why the heck my screen keeps going black before the ad comes on. It automatic and it’s aggravating as shit. I don’t want to delete this app but damn, they really trying to push a girl away. 🤬


Can you mute the conversation so you don’t get the alerts but remain connected in the group chat?


This is probably going to get hate, but if you get pregnant next cycle, you likely won’t even be able to attend her wedding because you’ll have just had a baby a week before. If you want to be there for her wedding, I would hold of trying until the next month. Then you’ll only be 8 months pregnant during her wedding and can be there and be a bridesmaid as well. One month isn’t that big a difference. It’s obviously completely up to you, but consider that you may not feel well enough to go physically that soon after having a baby, and you also may not be mentally ready to either leave your baby with someone else or bring them with you. Also if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll likely have to pump while at the wedding and reception (I had to do this at my friend’s wedding after my first was born). Consider all of those things and then make your decision with your man. Hope this helps