Oral & Anal 101

This group is for any questions about oral sex both men and women and anal sex.

Creator: Lucero

Members: 1m+


Does anyone know if this is herpes, chlamydia, hpv or any other STD? Pls help me!Plus it’s hard to swallow and hard to talk

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Last reply Sep 30, 2019


Thw white spots on your tonsils are tonsil stones

Has your partner told you what your vagina tastes like ? If he or she did what did they say ?

My boyfriend told me I'm salty idk if Thts normal LOL but wondering what anyone else's partners said

Has your partner told you what your vagina tastes like ? If he or she did what did they say ?
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Last reply Oct 1, 2019


I taste like nothing apparently. Lol.


One must learn from woman , thier sexual seduction wants and needs , and the delivery of satisfying her ,endless deep wet passion ,

Spicing it up!

My boyfriend loves my blowjobs and says I give the best he’s ever had and even though the sounds and looks he makes and the way his toes curl I know he enjoys it but I feel like I need to spice it up a little. Anyone have any tips? I already give a lot of sucking and tongue action and I always pay attention to the family jewels and deep throat as much as possible is there anything else I can throw in to blow his mind a little more? Excuse the pun! 😂

Spicing it up!
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Last reply Aug 30, 2019


Always use your hand unless they state otherwise. Most men have told me it feels the best like that. You could try using ice or even try the grapefruit trick for fun.

lip swollen after blowjob

I bit the inside of my top lip yesterday while giving a blowjob, and I woke up and it’s swollen. It looks like a canker sore but I’m still worried. Has anyone experienced this?

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Last reply Aug 27, 2019


You probably broke the skin & it’s irritated. Swish w/ warm salt water & it’ll help keep it clean

Is it safe

My bf and I want to try anal and we can’t exactly buy lube. So he said baby oil will work. Is that true?

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Last reply Sep 4, 2019


Yes it work to, I try it with my guy


Should I shave my butthole? And how am I supposed to do it? I can never get all of the hair and I'm afraid of nicking myself back there.

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Last reply Aug 31, 2019


Squat in the shower and it opens it right up


Everytime not just the first time, my boyfriend is very demanding. Basically tells me what to do Everytime I hate it 😭

Anal hurts

Hi, I'd like some advice from some experienced anal-practitioners please.I really want to master anal, both me and my partner find it a big turn on but it hurts quite a lot. We've been trying for quite a while, but not that many times, maybe 10 times? We certainly use enough lube and we've tried using Ann summers analyse which supposedly has a mild numbing effect, and once we get into it I'm relaxed but it still hurts. And afterwards I'm usually too afraid to poo because it hurts so much. It's not too bad, I'm strong, but obviously I want to get around this. Does anyone have any advice or at least just have had the same experience at first and can reassure me that it just takes time? Thank you 😊

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Last reply Aug 27, 2019


Try laying on your side. We have tried it multiple ways but when I'm on my side at first when he enters its less painful and then when you get more relaxed move onto your knees. I've gotta say my husband had been trying for quite a while but after we did it more often its actually very pleasurable.

Oral sex

Am I the only one who doesn’t enjoy it when guys go down on me??? Like I know they’re trying (and experienced) but I don’t get the hype.

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Last reply Sep 15, 2019


Deadass same! I don’t feel anything

Anal any lube recommended ?

Or how to start off never done it and was thinking with my partner

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Last reply Aug 28, 2019


Boy Butter is safe for toys and lasts like silicone lube, it rinses off really easy too (so not for use in the shower)

Anal bleach

Has anyone used this product? Thinking about it, not sure though. #whitegirlproblems

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Last reply Sep 12, 2019



Tips for anal

So we’ve tried 3 times now And it hurts too much every time. I just want some tips on how to make it hurt less and feel better.

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Last reply Sep 15, 2019


Heaps of lube, and just relax & take it slow


When you home try wear them or sleeping with them in.

Upset tummy and anal...

So I did anal for the first time today and I liked it until he started going fast..I ended up telling him to stop because it felt weird. It’s hard to explain but like my stomach sort of hurt? Like I had an upset tummy but it only felt that way when he went fast. Anyone have a similar issue? Tips for next time in how to help that? Everything else was great besides that! It wasn’t painful until then.

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Last reply Aug 22, 2019


I mean he could have been pushing you dodo back in😂 jk idk I say it was the force and air

Deepthroat tips?

Hey girls, uhm... so, the title is already pretty self explanatory, but I was just looking for some deepthroat tips I could use. It’s gonna be my first time in a few days and I want to make it a super hot experience both for me and my bf

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Last reply Aug 28, 2019

Recieving Head

Does anybody else find it disgusting when a guy spits in your vagina when he’s giving you head? I think its repulsive.

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Last reply Sep 29, 2019


My girlfriend and I did a lot of research on this bc we didn’t really think spitting/blowing in the vagina sounded safe, and guys...IT’S NOT SAFE AND CAN ACTUALLY HARM YOU!! The air from spitting can get trapped in your vagina, and that’s very dangerous. Sooooo if someone’s spitting or blowing in your vagina (not your vulva), tell them to stop ASAP. If they’re spitting on your vulva...oof that doesn’t sound nice. Reallyyyyy communicate with your partner and tell them you don’t like tgat

day after anal sos

last night my bf and i tried anal and it hurt so i told him to stop ( he didn’t get in hardly at all &we did not use lube bc it just was random) and today i can’t... stop... pooping like i can’t control it it just hits me and i have to shit like 2 minutes later and it’s all mushy.... (i also hadn’t pooped since sunday and it’s tuesday so maybe that helped idk?) sorry it’s tmi but im freaking out and nervous am i going to be like this forever sososososos help

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Last reply Aug 22, 2019


That's how it always is the day after. It gets better the more often you do it. Don't mess with your butt at all until you feel better. If you ever decide to give it another try, make sure you USE LUBE, like A LOT of lube. In and around your hole. It really does help with the pain. I suggest a silicone based lube, or Boy Butter (from amazon). Silicone lubes tend to be hard to wash off, but Boy Butter rinses off super easy with just water and lasts really well like silicone lube does. Also, take the time to use fingers and/or toys to stretch out the sphincters and to get used to the feeling of something in there. Stretching the sphincters helps with pain too. I really hope you're feeling better soon!

Anxious to give a bj

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for a little over a year now and I still am anxious/nervous to give him a blowjob despite how many times he brings it up. I don’t know if I’m just freaked out or nervous to do it, or if it’s because my ex would threaten to leave if I didn’t do stuff with him or if I just am not totally comfortable with being really sexual yet. Any tips to help me get over it?

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Last reply Aug 29, 2019


Dont let him pressure you. And do it when ever you feel ok with it.

Sore after giving blowjob

Does anyone else wake up the next day with such a sore throat, neck and jaw? I spent the day with my boyfriend yesterday and I gave him two very aggressive ones I guess you could say, I honestly feel like I have whiplash right now 😂

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Last reply Aug 20, 2019


No I don't go that hard.