Dec '17 Babies

Creator: Glow

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4 month baby weight

I’m curious to see what your 4 month old is weighing in at their 4m well check. Also, how many oz of formula/breast milk they are drinking and how often. My baby girl is 12lbs 11oz. Go......

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Last reply Apr 20, 2018


My son was born 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 in long and at his 4 month check up he was 21 pounds even and 26 in long! He is breastfed, usually every 2 hours, except at night.


She sleeps in her rock n play in our room. We are trying to transition her into her pack n play over the next week or so which will be her bed until she grows out of it

Who knows about amber necklaces?

Hi ladies! My 4 month old daughter is teething, sometimes fussy because of it and drooling like a faucet. Do any of you have positive things to say about amber necklaces? If so: What brand?Where can I buy it? What color?Thank you!!!

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Last reply Apr 25, 2018


Well my daughter has a teething necklace but it’s not an amber. I’m Native American (Cherokee) but she has a bull nettle necklace, it’s almost the same thing. But it has worked with her.

I've got a roller!

She rolled over once several weeks ago. As of yesterday she is doing it more and more. ☺😔 Bittersweet! I'm so excited she is growing, yet so heartbroken she is growing so fast. I just put my daughters dolly next to her head next thing I know she grabbed it and rolled over onto her tummy.Now she is on her back again. Holy cow how did she get so big?!

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Last reply Apr 18, 2018

Sleep training?

Hey mommas! So I have a sweet baby boy who is almost 4 months old in about a week. The only time he slept good was his first month. I didn’t have to wake to feed him because he gained past his birth weight in two days lol. But when he was 2 months he got a nasty cold that lingered for about 3 weeks 😞 and it messed up everything. So now he goes to be at 8 and sleeps about 4 hours he always has to eat when he wakes 90% of the time even if it’s just for an oz to be able to go back to sleep. he will never sleep longer then that first 4 hr stretch. then after that it’s unpredictable. He could go as long as 3 or wake up after a half hour and just keep waking up till about 7-7:30 to be up for the day. I think I’ve tried everything possible besides letting him cry it out so I’ve been doing lots and lots of resurrecting on sleep training and came across the sleep sense program and watched a bunch of YouTube reviews on it and think that’s the route in going to take when we get back from vacation next month. Have any of you ever tried the sleep sense program or any kind of cry it out method?My heart feels sad that he either just wants to be held or wants some milk but at the same time I know it’s not good for either of us to not have good sleep at night. He is in perfect health and weight so I know he’s not need those extra calories at night even his pediatrician said.I’m also so exhausted after doing this for 4 months I’m ready to have my sleep back and I know he is capable of doing 10-12 hrs at night for his age and see lots of other babes his age doing it 😩For more information on the sleep sense program it’s if anyone else is interested.

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Last reply Apr 23, 2018


Right now I’m On day 5 of the sleep sense program and very much to my surprise, its working. With me EBF I felt as if sleep training was undoable, but this restored my faith.

4 months already?!

omg, this is all going by so quickly..I can't believe my little chunkster is already 4 months!

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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

So quick

How in the world is he 4 months already! He’s already blowing bubbles with his mouth and laughing. It’s crazy how much personality he has at just 4 months old. He’s definitely going to be as crazy as his parents which I love. I’ve had many moments these past 4 months thinking I’m not ready to be a mom, it’s been very stressful and tiring but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Seeing his smile every morning makes me realize how much I love being his mom. I absolutely love rocking him to sleep and watching how peaceful he is. I’ll never stop until he doesn’t want it anymore. These years will go by so quick and one day I’ll wish I rocked him just a bit longer.He’s some pictures of him because I’m so in love with him

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Last reply Apr 17, 2018


Ugh that rocking comment! I said this to my husband last night 😩I could just rock my daughter and kiss her forehead all night long

Late bedtime help

Our little lady (4 months this week) sleeps through the night but we can’t get her to sleep earlier than 9:30pm. She’ll sleep until 8:00 or 8:30am though. Her naps are just 30mins or an hour if we’re lucky during the day. Reading books seems to get her really feisty and excited. We bathe every 3 nights and she’ll be easier to get to sleep then. I’d like to get her to sleep an hour earlier especially because I’m starting work again soon. Any advice mommas?

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Last reply Apr 18, 2018


I do a bath every night for my sons because it relaxes them. Dim lights in the bathroom Pitch black room for baby. Start winding down after dinner. Dim lights. Little excitement and start moving it 15 mins up at a time. My little guy loves stories too but then we do bath, bottle in his dark room and crib. Usually asleep between 6:45-7 but tonight he had a late nap so 7:40. We shall see how our night goes 😑

Is my period just messed up.. someone please!!

Ok I have my lo on the 5th of December 2017.. had my first period on the 28th of February was very heavy.. then not so heavy one and only lasted 2 days 13-15th March..Now I have been feeling cramps etc, bleeding but not enough for pad.. took a test negative..Is my period just messed up from giving birth help.

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Last reply Apr 26, 2018


I get my period every 2 weeks now 😥 It sucks! Pregnancy defiantly messes around with the cycle.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​4 months old the 10th posting a little late lol he is 18.6 lbs and 27 in.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​4 months old the 10th posting a little late lol he is 18.6 lbs and 27 in.
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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

Nova can push up onto elbows. Week 16.

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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

​​​​​​​​​​​​Djimon 🖤

​​​​​​​​​​​​Djimon 🖤
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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

​​​Djimon 🖤

​​​Djimon 🖤
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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

El 6 weeks EBF

4 months starting baby food?

My daughter had her 4 month doctor appointment today and the doc said she was ready to start baby food! Guys, I’m dying I feel like she is growing way too fast! I thought I had until 6 months. Anyone else starting solids? I think I might wait a few more weeks.

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Last reply Apr 23, 2018


My son’s pedi said the same thing. Personally I think he’s too young. I’m going to wait until he can sit up on his own before starting to feed him. Probably closer to 6 months.

Nathan can push up onto elbows while lying tummy-down.

Nathan can push up onto elbows while lying tummy-down.
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Last reply Apr 17, 2018

Skyler is exploring objects by mouth.

Skyler is exploring objects by mouth.
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Last reply Apr 17, 2018


3.5 month old suddenly has very intense eczema! Anyone else experiencing this? If so, What has been working for you? Thanks :)

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Last reply Apr 24, 2018


Aveeno baby eczema cream worker great for my little one

Almost four months... feeding schedule

So, due to my work schedule we feed Charlotte at 5am Daycare feeds her at 9am and 1pmI usually feed her at 5pm and again at 10pm (typically waking her up to do so) Any advice on making sure she gets enough ounces and making the 10 pm feeding a little earlier? Each feeding she drinks 5ozI guess my concern is that she is usually ready for bed around 7, 730... after her bath and book... but I’m unsure if she would sleep completely through the night... and then she’d be down 5 ounces... which I don’t want!

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Last reply Apr 17, 2018


I’m assuming you bottle feed, correct? I have started “dreaming feeding” my daughter because she needs to gain weight so I need her to have the extra calories.She goes to bed between 6-6:30 and then I dream feed her around 9pm because she usually will get a little restless around that time anyway. I’ve read it’s easier to feed them when they get restless rather than trying to have them eat straight out of a deep sleep. So I would suggest watching her monitor (if you have a video one) and when she starts to stir go in then to feed her because she will still be sleepy, but alert enough to want to eat.


how long are your babies sleeping? my 3.5 month old sleeps mostly through the night..but the day time I am lucky if I get a 2 hour nap out of him..he is a very happy baby if he has attention and he will cat nap but I feel he should be sleeping more?

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Last reply Apr 24, 2018


It depends. Some days her naps will be 10-30 mins. And other days she can get a couple 2 hr naps in