Sleep training?


Hey mommas!

So I have a sweet baby boy who is almost 4 months old in about a week.

The only time he slept good was his first month. I didn’t have to wake to feed him because he gained past his birth weight in two days lol. But when he was 2 months he got a nasty cold that lingered for about 3 weeks 😞 and it messed up everything. So now he goes to be at 8 and sleeps about 4 hours he always has to eat when he wakes 90% of the time even if it’s just for an oz to be able to go back to sleep. he will never sleep longer then that first 4 hr stretch. then after that it’s unpredictable. He could go as long as 3 or wake up after a half hour and just keep waking up till about 7-7:30 to be up for the day. I think I’ve tried everything possible besides letting him cry it out so I’ve been doing lots and lots of resurrecting on sleep training and came across the sleep sense program and watched a bunch of YouTube reviews on it and think that’s the route in going to take when we get back from vacation next month. Have any of you ever tried the sleep sense program or any kind of cry it out method?

My heart feels sad that he either just wants to be held or wants some milk but at the same time I know it’s not good for either of us to not have good sleep at night.

He is in perfect health and weight so I know he’s not need those extra calories at night even his pediatrician said.

I’m also so exhausted after doing this for 4 months I’m ready to have my sleep back and I know he is capable of doing 10-12 hrs at night for his age and see lots of other babes his age doing it 😩

For more information on the sleep sense program it’s if anyone else is interested.