TTC after Tubal Ligation

For us that have our tubes tied and decided that we do want more children.

Creator: Deandrea

Members: 460

help so confused

what does white discharge mean

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Last reply Nov 12, 2017

is it possible to get pregnant after a tubal ligation 9 years ago

is it possible to get pregnant?

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Last reply Dec 2, 2017


I had a tubal ligation April 2015 and ended up pregnant in October. I miscarried at 7 weeks 3 days. We were not trying. We were done having babies but God has other plans I guess

Tubal reversal or ivf

I’m wondering which is a better option. I️ definitely want another baby but haven’t been with my current partner long enough to have the real baby conversations. We’d have to use donor sperm anyway If we decided so would ivf be the best option?

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Last reply Nov 6, 2017


I had my tubes just tied March 12th of 2011 my husband and I really want our sixth child I didn't really think that how would I go about without having is there any luck that I can get pregnant with my tubes tied still or do I have to have the surgery 👣👣👣👣👣

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Last reply Feb 3, 2022


You can’t get pregnant with your tubes tied, unless you are the less than one percent chance of it happening. You’d either have to get a tubal reversal or do IVF. I got a ligation in 2012 and got a reversal May 2021. We’re currently TTC


so I had tubal clamps put on 14 years ago they did it the same time as my ablation (spell check) but I have had symptoms of pregnancy and two faint positives I've had miscarriages in the past 14 years but question is anybody have this happen to them and if did you have a healthy baby?

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Last reply Oct 13, 2017


it can happen but you gotten the an ablation done.i gotten an ablation done a year ago.i new that it grow back because I woke up with a big clot I told my dr.about it she say yes it can come went to get an u/s done .it was I got my period back but short 4 days.i had my tubes done 1996 but I was pregnant but it was in the wrong place

I signed up for a tubal June 2012

so as I was on the table post c section and the doc says do you still wAnt your tubes done because I'm looking at them and they have masses growing in them I said do what you have to and she never told me what she did how would I find out

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Last reply Aug 29, 2017


You can contact the hospital the procedure occurred in or the doctors practice/office they normally work out of and request a release of that medical information. Some places require you go in with a photo if but some places with email or fax it to you via phone call if you can answer personal info questions.

i want one or two more at 37

i got my tubes tied 7 years ago now i want more kids anyone know how

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Last reply Nov 14, 2021


Yes look into krystal alkaline doula on fb she’s had 5 women with their tubes tied get pregnant

I have a btl

Yep yeah my man called. Voodoo without usterus work get a pregnant serious my man's cousin girl get a preg cost $200-300 not bad 

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Last reply Jul 14, 2017


Yes what is that?

pregnancy possible after tubal

Had my tubal 14 yrs ago. I know after so many years it's possible that they fail. My husband and I decided 4 kids between the two of us was enough. He sadly passed away 3 yrs ago. I am know in a new relationship and the whole getting pregnant has consumed my every thought. Can it happen? 

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Last reply Mar 21, 2022


Hello ladies, my husband and I have two handsome boys. They’re 18 months apart. I had my tubs tied during the c-section with my second born, 09/11/2019. I’m ready to have a tubal reversal. We want to try for two more. I’m unsure of where do go. My gynecologist doesn’t do tubal reversals and have yet to provide me with a referral. Where did you to to go your reversal? Who or what do you recommend?