Labia itching
Dear ladies, i have uncomfortable labia itching, I am not sure its is latex allergy or razor burn or std. there is no discharge or any smell. Only itching in labia. I used razor and the next day it has started. It has been two days, itching is still with me. I can tolerate but it is very uncomfortable. Also I had sex but with condom. I am lost.
Last reply Dec 15, 2020
My cooch
Can anyone give me tips on how to shave to not get razor bumps. :) thank youuuu
Last reply Dec 4, 2022
You know how I’m middle school you were tested on your flexibility and shit? I always thought it was the most useless thing ever bc I’m not some ducking gymnast or dancer but I just fully shaved down there and holy shit😫😫 I thought I was gonna fucking pull something
Last reply Jul 26, 2020
So when you shave down there, I’ve heard it’s good to exfoliate. The problem is that I don’t know whether you would exfoliate before or after. So which one ???? 😂Also what’s best to use ?
Last reply Jul 26, 2020
Hello I’m 13 and I have a lot of hair down there I’ve shaved before and it’s never gotten this bad I know it will hurt is there any tips on how to shave down there with out a lot of pain?
Last reply Dec 4, 2022
Bikini line...😬
Hey girlies so I have a question and I need answers so we go camping a lot with a lot of guys and I need to know the best way to fully shave your bikini area so that no hair is left behind.. anyone have any suggestions??
Last reply May 20, 2020
ingrown hair removal
i have a d*ck appointment tomorrow and i need to remove a couple ingrown hairs quick... any tips?
Last reply Mar 30, 2020
Do you shave or wax your legs?
Last reply Mar 21, 2020
I have razor bumps bad on my bikini area and I don’t know how to get rid of them I’ve tried everything but waxing to remove hair but it doesn’t work and I’ve tried everything to stop ingrown hairs and it doesn’t work idk if it’s cause it curly or something but I really need help cause I’m not trying to ask my mom😬help!!
Last reply Mar 19, 2021
Do anyone shave their arms
Last reply Dec 16, 2019
Does anyone else shave their arms?
Last reply Dec 16, 2019
Waxing down there..?
I want to start waxing instead of shaving because because shaving hurts I’d rather just get it over with is there a certain type of wax you can get that you use and is ok for your vagina?
Last reply Nov 16, 2019
Razor bumps?
Okay every time I shave my vagina, I get these little red bumps on my bikini line. Is there a way to prevent this from happening??
Last reply May 20, 2020
So I need some tips here! I have tried different razors and shaving creams and tonight I even tried NAIRs leg mask no razors where involved I followed the directions to a T and my legs STILL end up like this Red bumpy burning everything!! please help I’m tired of feeling self conscious! I know it’s getting colder and I don’t need shorts but I don’t even like to wear pj shots or to even shower because I hate my legs so much!!!!!
Last reply Nov 16, 2019
Shaving down there
I haven’t shaved down there in years and so the other day I shelved down there and I made sure to use a new razor and use soap to not irritate the skin but two days later I have so many ingrown hairs and zits everywhere! Please help 😭😭
Last reply Oct 11, 2019
Shaving “down there”
Hey ladies I need some help. Is there a specific shaving cream I should use? I use skintimate skin therapy on my legs, but is it okay to use that on other places too? Now when I exfoliate, should I use my actual exfoliate that I use for my legs or should I use a loofa?I will take any advice I can get. Thank y’all!
Last reply Oct 10, 2019
Who else prefers not to shave all the way on their vagina?? Whenever I do, I get these bumps that are like pimples. Not in clusters. Usually just one. But it’s so annoying so I usually just shave the bikini line.
Last reply Sep 22, 2019
How to get a shave that doesn’t leave red bumps
Okay. I’ve been wondering this for so long. Whenever I shave my bikini line, i get little red bumps all over! Is there a way to avoid that?? Please help.
Last reply Sep 17, 2019
I shave once a week or when I know I’ll go swimming etc. My hair grows back so quickly down there! I shaved on Friday and my hair has already grown back. Any tips?
Last reply Aug 18, 2019
Bump that's extremely painful
I have a bump of the side of my vigina near the part of my leg. It's extremely sore. I think it's a blackhead what can I do for the pain
Last reply Aug 14, 2019