TTC with Clomid
I'm starting a group for soon to be mother's using chlomid for conception...
Creator: Kacy
Members: 240
Clomid follicle scan
Any advice...So I finished my first round of clomid at 50 mg days 5-9. Today is cycle day 14, I had a follicle scan today and my largest follicle was only 8mm. Ultrasound tech says they like to see them around 20mm. I’m discouraged it isn’t going to get large enough. Do you guys have any experience with this? Does this mean I am probably not going to ovulate?
Last reply Oct 15, 2023
just a question.
what does it mean when ur progesterone levels are extremely high. my Dr said my levels are extremely high 41.5 when should I take a pregnancy test. my period is due on Saturday 19th.
Last reply Aug 1, 2018
Chlomid Question
So I was told to take it on cycle days 5-9. My question is when should we BD? Today is day 9 of my cycle so I took the last pill. My cycles vary so much. I’m never regular. Should we just start trying every day fromNow until I’m supposed to get my period? Anyone else have success on the first round of chlomid? TIA
Last reply Jul 27, 2018
Hello,Did anyone take Provera before chlomid? If so, my doctor said i would have a period 3-5 days after but I’m on my last day of Provera and started my period... is this cycle day 1 then?
Last reply Apr 18, 2018
Clomid vs period
Has anyone taken clomid and their period was late but tested negative?
Last reply Oct 25, 2020
ttc on clomid.
My peroid started on March 27th and my peroid stopped on March 29th. My Dr. wants me to start Clomid on Wednesday. when days do I have sex.I was told to go in for blood test on April 15th.
Last reply Mar 30, 2018
Cd21 6dpo
Very sore enlarged breast, irritable, moody, anxious and tons of milky thin cm. Skin break out and twinges on left side. Took another opk today and it had a faint line after the last couple days stark white! Got progesterone blood work done today and she said I definitely ovulated- we BD all this cycle. Does this sound promising or is not the clomid playing games with my head?
Last reply Apr 22, 2022
Did chlomid cause anyone's period to be late??? I'm 4 days late but got negative when took pregnancy test two days past due
Last reply Mar 19, 2019