General Advice Corner

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Creator: Hollie

Members: 97


I might have PCOS and I am very scared about losing fertility. PCOS ladies where you at, I need your help!!

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Last reply Oct 23, 2018

What y'all think is going on!!

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Last reply Oct 10, 2018


Well if your not pregnant which I imagine your not as your posting on the loss part I can imagine it to be gas.

Random question about retainers and not babies lol

I had braces for 3 years and got retainers right after and wore them for at least 12 hours a day for 2 years and then I wore them to bed for two years after that about, when I got pregnant last year I wore them increasingly less, I wore them every once in a while but i had such bad morning sucks and felt like crap that I didn’t bother with them, then once I had my son I just didn’t take the time to start wearing them again, well he’s 9 months now so this is the first time I’ve worn them in over a year, my teeth haven’t shifted to bad the retainers still fit and go on my teeth but you can notice where they have shifted because it doesn’t cover the whole tooth and they hurt a little bad, my question is will they move my teeth back in place or hurt my teeth worse? Is it unsafe to wear them after over a year of not wearing them? Has anyone experienced this? I know it’s so random on here but I don’t just call up my orthodontist like my primary doctor lol

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Last reply Oct 5, 2018


Best to go back to the ortho. Because you’ll probably need new ones made since your teeth have shifted .

My dad died

This post is long so I apologize in advance, if you do end up reading it I appreciate it cause I just gotta get it out of my system;My dad died when I was pregnant with my son this past October. He was barely 50 years old and died after a horrible stroke. The week prior I had gotten the call he was in the hospital so we rushed to South Carolina (I live in VA) and it’s indescribable the feeling you have when all your dad can do is look at you but not speak or move, you don’t know if he knows it’s you or if he knows what’s going on or if he’s in pain. I had told him I was pregnant just two months before but he unknowingly had multiple mini strokes which explains why his reaction was kind of nonchalant which was the complete opposite in 2016 when I had announced to him but ended in miscarriage. We spoke daily at LEAST 3-4 times a day, he didn’t have anyone, he buried his mom when he was 18, then his dad and sister died within the last 10 years as well. His phone was dead all of September which was the norm so I just waited until he got minutes which obviously never happened(in comes the guilt for not trying to reach out through my step brother). Short story made long, the last two years have been complete hell, my father in law died unexpectedly in an accident nov 2016. We were trying for a baby for 3 years and ended up pregnant the end of 2016, miscarried January 2017, pregnant July 2017 and my dad dies October 2017. He never told my step brother or stepmom I was pregnant which is why I know he didn’t fully grasp what I told him when I announced last year. It just breaks my heart, literally it hurts sometimes. He taught me to always be tough but this has really tore me up. Everything he’s missing out on, I just hope he’s proud of meAnyone else been through the death of a parent while pregnant?

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Last reply Aug 29, 2018

Report or no?

Non pregnancy related, just need some advise. I saw on Facebook today that the local law enforcement needs help identifying someone that is involved in credit card fraud. I know who the person is, but don’t know if I should say something or not...?

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Last reply Sep 10, 2018


Yes say something. That person could ruin a lot of people’s lives. On top of the fact it will catch up with them eventually. Think about the families she could have or will steal from. From the ones that make it pay check to pay check. I’m not trying to come off as rude but do the right thing.

Would you be happy with these?

I do photography as a hobby, I’m still learning and still finding my style. My best friend is also a hobbyist in photography so we model for each other a lot lol. These are some i recently did of her and i feel so proud of them but I’m not getting the feedback i wanted from them 😔 So tell me what y’all think.And then one I did of my sister

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Last reply Dec 20, 2018


Talk about growth 😅😅😅

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​So I have these spots on my legs above my knees. You can't see them unless you know what you're looking for. Are these normal to have???

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​So I have these spots on my legs above my knees. You can't see them unless you know what you're looking for. Are these normal to have???
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Last reply Jun 13, 2018

Guy creeping on me.

So there's this guy who I know creeping on me on Facebook and he keeps calling me the typical lovey dovey names that a SO would use. He keeps saying he's crushing on me and he keeps telling me that he wants to cuddle etc etc.Anyways, I'm not into this guy at all and it's an absolute huge turn off when guys come onto me like this instead of coming the friend route. Either way, I'm not attracted to him. I've tried playing off what he says without flirting and I've tried ignoring him countless times.Should I just block and/or unfriend him or what should I say? I'm not fond of feeling "harassed".

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Last reply Jun 13, 2018


block him!!!

Please help

So basically I need a 100% free and legit background check website if you have one and if anyone knows how to get around private facebooks without making a fake profile because she won’t add anyone new unless they have already bought a puppy from them

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Last reply May 8, 2018

March and April Sucked

The last two months have really just stunk for my husband and I. We’ve been really busy as he’s in full-time school and I work full time. We had a really early miscarriage in March and we’ve had to travel basically every other weekend. Two weeks ago my husbands uncle passed away and the weekend after I lost my grandmother. I’m still dealing with how I feel after our miscarriage (it was a really confusing time as we weren’t trying but we were excited anyway) and sometimes I just feel really overwhelmed. I haven’t had anyone to vent to so I’ve just been keeping a lot of this to myself. Still I’m trying to look on the bright side of things. We recently moved into a new house and it’s been really nice, my hub is doing really well in school and landed an awesome full time paid internship for the summer and we get to travel with his family to Mexico in July. He also told me we can start TTC after the holidays this year and I’m so excited because I’ve always dreamed of being a mother.

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Last reply May 3, 2018

sick and started today

so ive had a cold (possibly bronchitis too) and today seemed to be the worst of the coughing aching and general lousy feeling. well right before dinner, i use the restroom and my period has started. now im miserable, in pain, and bleeding.. and i pee a little when i cough too hard.. any suggestions on how to get tp feeling better quicker??

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Last reply Feb 8, 2018