Bfn bfn bfn!!!
12dpo and bfn ? looks like it isn't my month
Last reply Sep 9, 2014
Bfn bfn bfn!
12dpo and bfn ? looks like it isn't my month
Last reply Dec 26, 2018
bfn...Bfn...and another BFN
Sorry if this is TMI: My cycles are usually 35 days. Last month it was 5 days early(must've ovulated earlier) I am 2 days late (technically 1 day late). Tested two days before it was a BFN. Tested yesterday midday and a BFN. This morning FMU a BFN. My cervix is high and I have creamy cm. Been having discharge lately which normally doesn't happen. Wish AF would just get here already so that I can go back to square one. What should I do now? Wait? Very frustrating to say the least.
Last reply May 6, 2017
I wanna scream. I'm pissed off. I'm hurt. I'm tired. I know a lot of woman feel me on this one. Insert head in pillow. And scream. Onto the next month of trying.... trying not to feel desperate.
Last reply Jan 23, 2019
BFN, BFN and BFNs!
I take metformin for pcos, been trying for #2 for 4 months now. (Not long I know, it took 3 1/2 years to conceive #1!)This month I convinced myself it was our month!! It was going to happen 💯 no questions, tracked OPKs and CM, did the BD at the right times and have taken my medication every day at the same time.I’m now 2 days late and BFNs 😡 but have all the symptoms of early pregnancy that I had with #1 because they are all side effects of metformin 😭 how cruel is that??! I’m currently gassy, bloated, nauseous, cramping, tired and dizzy with no hint of a line or af 🤬
Last reply Nov 22, 2019
😭😭😭. AF WAS SUPPOSED to come on the 14th but it's now the 24th and I am 12DPO. Waiting it out and may test againUPDATE retested with a FR it came out negative. I thought I saw a faint line but I think I was getting to excited. Haven't had my period at all this month! Any suggestions as what to do?
Last reply Nov 2, 2017
This sucks i feel like im doing everything right, I’m getting signs and symptoms and I’m6 days late wth...???
Last reply Feb 10, 2019
I've been nauseous and vomiting for almost a week, dizziness, lost if appetite af should be here tomorrow but I feel no usual cramping sore breast or lower back pain. Took a test and got that dreaded depressed rt now!
Last reply Dec 12, 2017
After 3 first responses having a vvvvvf line and a blue dye having one also now I got a BFN. But still now AF.After
Last reply Oct 16, 2018
9DPO and nothing yet..☹️
Last reply Oct 22, 2018
Most common post on here lol but 3 days late from my period & my periods are every where but never past 32 days I usually have them every 2 weeks so I’m sat here thinking WELL SHIT WHAT IF?!?! Like full on buzzed with excitement and bfn after bfn BUUUUUTI only use those one step eBay test strips should I try an official brand to be sure?????? IDK CONFUSED FO SURE
Last reply Nov 12, 2018
Ugh, I just want to give up! I’ve tried & tried and NOTHING! I’ve been taking Vitex & Maca Root for about 2 months and stilllllll nothing. It’s tiring at this point. I’m sending baby dust to everyone but at this point I’m just done trying ☹️
Last reply Mar 8, 2021
bfn bfn bfn
am 10 days over due for AF & getting bfn's, nipples are really tender but no other signs of AF. I last tested on Friday and saturday was the last day of tww, do you think i should test again or put it down to very late af? tested on last week and on thurs but nothing. so confused rn
Last reply Mar 27, 2019
TTC I’m never late I’m like clockwork, every 28 days, today wOuld be my 2nd day late took a test last night BFN mind you I was at a family party and was drinking cola all night, should I of waited till morning? Would of drinking pop “watered” my wee down?
Last reply Jan 12, 2019
bfn. bfn. bfn.
I'm so frustrated with ttc. I'm supposed to start Friday. usually I'm cramping and spotting by now. but nothing. but I'm still getting nothing but BFN. I'm 12dpo. I keep seeing women getting their BFP st like 8dpo. im so ready to quit. 😭😭😭
Last reply Aug 3, 2018
My boyfriend and I have had sex nearly nonstop for almost two weeks (took a day off). I am 9 DPO and I have been having unusual symptoms. I have been nauseous, tender breasts, increased appetite, light cramping from time to time, aversions to wine (highly unusual for me), extreme fatigue, and extreme dizziness from time to time. Idk if I should test again tomorrow morning or wait until my expected AF on the 18th (Friday). Anyway I took a test because I'm at 5 days before my expected period which is the time to take an EPT. I got a
Last reply Aug 14, 2017
Bfn bfn
Experiencing lower back ache and cramps for a few days now. Still getting bfn :( hoping af doesn't show her face on Saturday. Baby dust for my rainbow baby x
Last reply Dec 3, 2015
12dpo and nothing! I'm getting all the symptoms which last time I was pregnant I got alot of symptoms early and still bfn! I'm using dollar general $4 blue dye tests. Do you think I should switch to first response pink dye or do you think I'm out? My original test date is in 3 days ☹️
Last reply Nov 3, 2019
Bfn bfn
Currently on cycle day 31 , cycle length usually 28 days last month it was 30
Last reply Sep 22, 2017