Not sure what to do.

My husband and I Have been married going on 6 months. We have a different situation, as I came to the US on a fiance visa. We were in a relationship for about 2 years before I took the plunge to move for him. I didn't want to leave my country but he couldn't leave his, as he has a child whom he has primary custody of. We would take turns flying back and forth but only got to see each other every couple of months. It's definitely stressful on a relationship, going about it this way but if we didn't love each other, we wouldn't have gone through all of it. Now that I've been here full time for 9 months or so, our relationship is definitely different. I feel like we never had the same honeymoon phase as most couples do. .. There isn't much romance, everything has been about getting my paperwork in order for the visa etc. We've been ttc since we got married, I'm in my 30 ' s and he's in his 40 ' s so we wanted to start right away. I've been getting so stressed out from not seeing my BFP yet, I've been taking prenatals since before we got married, I eat relatively healthy, we use preseed. .. I've been putting so much into it but didn't realize we weren't have much sex. I realized we do it maybe once a week. When we first started ttc we did it at least a couple times a week and almost everyday of my fertile time. Somewhere along the way it just became less and less. Now we're at the point where I never want to, there's no romance and I'm feeling depressed constantly. Every time I talk to him about it he just says well you never want to have sex and that I'm always turning him down. I don't want to be that wife that never wants sex, but I can't get in the mood anymore, I don't feel sexy anymore, sex doesn't feel good anymore, and as much as I want a baby I just can't bring myself to want to be intimate. I feel like I'm just going through the motions. I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but it felt good to write it out.