I know my baby so well already 😍

Stephanie • Boyfriend: 12/29/2014 - Forever :) Baby Boy - 09/25/2016 and pregnant with baby #2 due 11/20/2017
I woke up this morning and my nausea has been going for about two weeks now, but of course I will get the round ligament pains and the pain from my uterus stretching. But I woke up this morning and I said right away to my boyfriend, "Our baby is going to be a little butt today." And sure enough she is. Mommy is really happy today so baby is in there dancing around and stretching mommy' little uterus even more. Also using my bladder as a trampoline, it's her ultimate favorite!! 
Btw I'm only 13 weeks and 2 days and we don't know the gender but we call our baby a girl already lol. Even though daddy REALLY wants a boy, his instincts are telling him girl. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍