Girls advice !!

Jil • I m 26 yrs old ! Married for 2 yrs.. TTC baby #1 for 6 months !! Happy life, loving parents,sweetheart husband !!
I am gng to turn 26 nxt month !! My height is 5( ya i m short but cute 😁) and my weight is 130 pounds (60kgs) BMI is 25.8 !! Do u think i need to take this seriously and reduce it immediately ?? I am ttc for 6 months now and no luck !! I tested everything for me and my husband and everything looks excellent(scan,semen analysis) ! I dont have much stress too.. I am not doing any exercise just 30 mins walk a day !! Do u think its bcos of my weight ?? Will it affect my fertility !! I have a very regular cycle of 30-31 days !!