Men 😡 Rant!

I know all men are different and I really don't mean to offend but my ex and I tried to build a friendship for the sake of our son seeing Mom and dad getting along but I just can't! He isn't careful with his words and puts me down so much and it's not shocking to me cause that's just the way he is and is one of many reasons we aren't together he first tells me he wants me to succeed and get my dream job then when I tell him my plans he laughs and starts his stupid comments basically saying "YOU CANT POSSIBLY DO THAT" he supposedly, 'playing around' called me ratchet and right away took it back and said he was playing cause he was afraid of my reaction or what I would do I'm a very fiesty girl but I'm also pregnant with his kid and very emotional I got so much disrespect from him and my mother all in one day. I had mentioned to him my mom calling me a "cow" and claiming that's why he wasn't with me WHICH ISNT IT AT ALL!! I couldn't help but cry and I cried Infront of him and he tells me "Oh your hormones" like NO DUDE ITS MORE THAN MY DAMN HORNONES I HAVE FEELINGS TOO it's not always hormones. That night when he dropped me off I couldn't help myself but explode and told him we cannot be friends and I don't want anything to do with him he can't even pick up his phone and shoot one simple text to ask for his son claiming he's "busy" not too busy to smoke or go on dates though. Which is fine Idc but don't forget your son will be here soon and he's showing me a lot now telling me it's my responsibility to text him since I'm still pregnant he shouldn't be the one texting me. Well to end it he didn't like that fact I didn't want to talk to him or be friends with him he then drove off telling me he wasn't gonna let me be happy with whoever I move on with saying he will make my partners life hell. Rant over.Â