PUPPPS Disease

Morgan • Expecting a baby girl June 21st 😍🎀
I started getting these tiny red itchy bumps around my belly button. I didn't think much of it. Then they started spreading all over my stomach and my legs and arms. I went to the doctor and found out I had PUPPPS. He gave me a prescription (which I never picked up) and told me the best way to relieve the itch was to have an oatmeal bath. I went home and did more research and a lot of women were saying to try Grandpas Pine Tar Soap, they said the itch will go right away and will soon start to disappear. I'm usually really cautious of what I use on my body but I was getting really desperate because the itch was so bad and would even wake me up at night. I bought it at GNC for $4 and it really works! I just bought it and used it yesterday and I haven't been itching at all today and they're already fading away. My skin gets a little dry after I use it so I use cocoa butter to moisturize. If any of you are suffering or start to get little red bumps go buy this soap immediately. The cheapest and fastest relief you can get! 😊