I'm tired of seeing this.

Why is it that when a woman posts a belly pic, that she feels beautiful and comfortable in, all of you ladies have to go and put her down? If you don't like the picture then don't click on it, don't look at it, and sure as hell don't comment saying nasty/negative things. Instead of putting each other down, how about stepping up and lifting each other up. We as women, need to start empowering one another because our bodies are not sexual objects, no matter what other people say. We are not here to please men. Our bodies have a purpose and I will be damned if someone tells me that I need to stop taking pictures of my child breastfeeding, or of my belly while I'm naked or partially clothed. You women who put others down because of something that makes them comfortable make me sick. I cannot believe all the hatred I see on here. Who cares if your husband is on here and sees those pictures?! If you are that concerned about it maybe he shouldn't be on here in the first place because of your insecurities. Quit being nasty and hateful. No one likes it. Every last one of us is beautiful, and if you want to post a naked/partially clothed picture, do it.