Diagnosing yeast infection by nurse via phone.

Kimberlee • Mama x3 | 30 | Married ❤️

So I called my nurse about possible symptoms of a yeast infection since I've been on amoxicillin 500mg for 10 days. I told her I had a little discharge but not clumpy, just creamy. And a little bit of itching on the outside outside (Sorry of tmi) and she just said yeah it sounds like yeast and told me to go get Monistat.

What I wanted to do was to go in and get checked for it like I did last time. I don't feel comfortable that she just guessed it was yeast. Am I overreacting? Should I just go get the Monistat and treat whatever it is that I have? I just don't feel comfortable taking the Monistat if I really don't have yeast, and it's something else.

I don't know..... I feel like I sound stupid lol but I need advice!